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The idea of a growth mindset, understanding the fact that you can become intelligent with continued effort and sustenance, is gaining tremendous popularity in recent times. Students tend to have raw and flexible minds, hence a teacher plays an important role in how they shape these fresh and enthusiastic students. To do this, today's teachers must be professionally qualified. For this reason, an M.A. Education in University of Bedfordshire plays a very important role in shaping the teachers to ensure the leaders of tomorrow.

As a teacher, you would want your students to succeed. Therefore, encouraging a healthy and interactive learning approach is going to make them productive. Simple and minor changes in the classroom or teaching practices can create a more adaptive learning environment. This encourages the students and they tend to perform well and better.   

How to incorporate a growth mindset?

This trend must be embraced both in and out of the classroom. Hence we have compiled some tips that can create awareness related to this. In addition to that, students are motivated and become active learners when the instructor's active approach. The tips include the following:

  • Normalize struggle

Struggling during learning is as normal as it can be. With an M.A. Education in University of Bedfordshire, you learn to enrich the students’ behavior towards how they perceive these struggles. Your goal eventually must be to ensure that they take on these trails with confidence and poise.

  • Teach the value of challenges

As a teacher, you must ensure that your students accept challenges and daring encounters with positivity. They must know that making mistakes is a part of the game and they must learn to overcome them. They need to embrace them. It should be noted, that as a teacher, you have to shoulder the responsibility of making them understand the concept of “it’s okay, you should try again”.

  • Use a “growth mindset” language

With a specialized education like an M.A. Education in the University of Bedfordshire, you make sure to adopt a language and tone that is encouraging and improves the attitude of learning among the students. Phrases like “you’re so smart, keep trying”, and “don’t worry about the mistakes, they help you learn”, go a long way in encouraging your students to do better and better. Therefore, make sure to adopt a favorable tone and language while teaching.

  • Praise the students’ efforts

During the process of instilling a growth mindset among the students, don’t forget to acknowledge their efforts along the way. They look up to you for confidence. Make sure to give it to them. Compliment on how hardworking they are and how they have completed their tasks timely. This eventually, makes them active learners which is basically the whole point of teaching.

  • Don’t oversimplify

An M.A. Education in University of Bedfordshire teaches you the appropriate techniques of encouragement. As mentioned earlier, you need to be careful of your choice of words. With phrases like “you can do anything”, the students might become lazy and under-ambitious. Hence, don’t encourage the behavior of ‘not trying”.


ICOMS, the best private international university in Lahore, offers a master of education that adopts a forward-thinking approach for all its progressive students. This degree is internationally recognized by the University of Bedfordshire in the UK.

Last but not the least, with an M.A. Education in University of Bedfordshire, you develop a teaching approach that is growth-friendly. And eventually, you tend to incorporate this attitude into the students, which goes a long way to their success. 



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