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Employers must take care of the emotional, physical, and social well-being of their employees.  Here’s how you can win the 21st-century war of the workforce by attracting and retaining the best talent:

Creative learning and development opportunities

There are many creative ways to lift EX in the workplace. Measures like targeted engagement, continuous learning cycles, employee feedback, and workplace transparency are the ways in which EX gets a much-needed boost. Access to learning and development is critical to improving the employee experience in the organization.

Studies show that compact learning increases EX by 31%. In-house learning, aided by employers and coworkers, is instrumental for the growth of employees.

Engaging leadership and invested management

Managers must exert their influence and pay equal attention to everyone on the floor. From training opportunities to personal guidance, they must always be ready to lead the workforce through uncharted waters.

Inclusive leadership makes all the difference in the world and is critical for a reignited EX in the workforce.

Hybrid workforce

Your organization must have a combination of subcontractors, freelancers, and full-time employees. Granting a flexible work environment maximizes input, as everyone works in the environment of their choice.

Being chained to a desk is a relic of the past, whereas uber-cool co-working spaces and remote talent sourced from multiple channels are the way forward.

Feedback loop

A feedback loop is the best way to measure the employee experience and get a pulse of your organization. By getting a first-hand evaluation of the areas of improvement from the people who make deals on your behalf, your business taps into the gold. The feedback loop must begin from the moment the employee is onboarded and must continue till the final day.

Nothing trumps real-time feedback, especially for an organization that’s interested in improving the employee experience. 

One-on-one coaching

Personalized employee experience created via mentorship programs and coaching opportunities is crucial for the professional development of employees. The entire business stands to benefit from an employee’s growth. Access to personalized coaching, wellness programs, child care benefits, and mindful assistance are all crucial aspects of boosting a sound EX in your organization.

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