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The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) reports  PatriotRise Up Review that at least 38% of Americans have sought out an alternative or complementary healing treatment. You probably know several people who have had successful and satisfactory interactions with homeopathic hypnotherapeutic or vibrational medical practitioners and treatments.

The range of alternative and complementary medical techniques is huge and can include massage homeopathy acupuncture vitamin/mineral supplementation herbal remedies Energy Medicine Reiki JoRei QiGong hypnosis guided imagery aromatherapy Ayurvedic medicine magnet therapy spinal manipulation meditation sound healing Naturopathy traditional Chinese medicine prayer and spiritual healing Tai Chi Yoga and more.

If you don't know what some of these modalities are you are not alone. Some are modern; others have been around for centuries. They represent a vast reservoir of knowledge and experience that is almost completely untapped – and frequently ridiculed – within the western medical paradigm.



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