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Can You Get Life Insurance coverage?When an insurance carrier is StrictionBPReview  trying to determine a health risk assessment they will ask more detailed questions about the specific health condition, such as when the disease onset occurred, and how you are managing the condition whether through insulin injections, oral medications or diet and exercise. Health issues such as these will definitely result in a rating below standard for a type 2 diabetic insured and below standard rating at best for insulin using diabetics.

 The underwriters will be looking for more detailed information to determine if you are already experiencing other issues that affect your overall health and longevity. Have you experienced any cardiovascular troubles, kidney function, numbness or tingling of extremities resulting from poor circulation? If so and your using insulin and have other medical issues you may opt for non medical whole life insurance. If you have type 2 and it is under good control with little other negative implications you may qualify for standard rates if your blood sugar is found within normal ranges.

 If you are unable to determine where you may stand speak with an insurance agent/broker who represents many insurance companies as they can usually identify which carrier may take you since they are familiar with underwriting guidelines additionally they can provide you a preliminary application which can be invaluable to determine your specific conditions and how you may obtain coverage and what the rates would be prior to application.If you are diabetic selecting the correct foods can seem to be a challenge on occasions, however with a proper meal plan and some practice this will become second nature to you.



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