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Anyone who has ever been around a young child knows that they are full of energy, lots of questions and hard to keep still. Just ask an elementary teacher and they will tell you that they plan breaks and lots of activities to help their students learn because otherwise, the classroom becomes an environment of chaos.  Homeschool families deal with the same issues but have more flexibility than any traditional classroom because the parent is typically the primary teacher who can run the daily schedule as they see fit. When first deciding on the best 1st grade homeschool curriculum, it’s important to carefully consider programs that meet state requirements (if necessary) and that offer a print curriculum for the younger students instead of just an online option.

There are several reasons for this, because even though your young child is fascinated with the smart phone, they are still easily distracted and not motivated to focus on the task at hand. A physical print curriculum allows parents to put a textbook with pictures and words directly in the hands of the child so they can hold on to something while they are learning how to read, do math, discover science and other subjects particular to that grade. The top homeschooling program should be accredited and provide parents a detailed breakdown of what their child will learn with the curriculum in that grade.  

In addition, every textbook will be accompanied by a teacher guide for parents to check answers, get ideas on how to teach a concept and help plan out the amount of work that should be completed each day. This is a helpful resource because most parents are not certified teachers, but they want the opportunity to be directly involved in their child’s education. The ability to have a resource directly connected to their child’s textbook gives them more confidence in teaching every subject as they are guided by experts who understand how first graders think and process.

Print curriculum is designed to be creative and colorful so that students become engaged with the learning process using all of their senses. You don’t want a new student to have an ‘arms-length’ approach to learning because they can’t get excited about an impersonal tablet or computer. By holding a book in their hand, they experience touch and the pages are filled with visuals that help their eyes to light up with excitement as they learn to read and connect objects that occupy their world with names. Parents engage the hearing sense as they instruct as well as ask the child to provide their input and have a conversation about what is being learned. The experience is minimized when a computer is introduced because it primarily works for the sight sense but nothing else because the child is solely connected to the device and nothing else.  

This leads to another reason why the best 1st grade homeschool curriculum is in print format.  Homeschooling removes the distractions of being in a traditional classroom, eliminates the peer pressure of having to keep up with classmates and allows the family to be involved with the education process. It is important that young students get excited about school and physical engagement is a critical component of this process. Parents should not just rely on the textbooks provided by the program but should feel free to incorporate their own ideas for physical education, drama, art, field trips and other activities that will bring the concepts into action. This will look different for each family and student but there are plenty of ideas available on the Internet or more information is available by talking with experienced homeschool parents who have already navigated these early years.

Reading is one of the most important lessons taught by the best 1st grade homeschool curriculum but it can be one of the most challenging to teach and learn. It’s important for parents to make this activity as fun and personal as possible and to start early, not wait for the formal school year. Take time to read at night, pick funny books or things they are interested in, make it a game and use a variety of resources including magazines, books, online articles, billboards and other unique locations. Once the student learns how to read, it opens a world of knowledge and gives them the most vital tool they need to be successful.   

Online learning has a valuable place in education especially for middle and high school students who are more interested in working through their studies the most efficient way possible. Take time with your elementary students to bring the world of learning alive and personal with books and materials in their hands so they can have something tangible to learn from. It’s also a great idea to include hands-on activities such as drawing and projects so they can show off their handiwork to friends and family.


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