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Beauty Pageants have always been the starting point of many successful people in the modelling, entertainment, and fashion industry at large. With FTV Pageants, the reach is global and wide setting. FTV, an international fashion and lifestyle broadcasting television channel, a multimedia platform that offers the largest fashion network has made its presence prominent in around 193 countries. Founded in 1997 by Michel Adams Lisowski in France, FTV boasts millions of viewers worldwide.

FTV Pageants welcomes thousands of participants from different countries and allows them to showcase their beauty and talents in front of globally renowned fashion industry veterans. Choosing this pageant, will kickstart the careers and show a promising journey in the industry. The exposure that FTV Pageants offer, is like no other contemporaries. The international fame and reach that comes with this pageant, makes it a platform acclaimed worldwide.

FTV Pageants opens the gateway to aspiring individuals, irrespective of their age and marital status. FTV aims to discover fresh talents and help them begin their careers in the fashion and entertainment industry. This pageant is not just a simple beauty contest, it aims is to sharpen and polish the skills of the contestants. The contestants will learn how to incorporate their unique charm, Indian persona, and international teachings and techniques so that they can shine in all their glory.

FTV Pageants will take place in 50 cities across India and will have 8 Pageant titles for the candidates. The FTV Pageants titles are Miss FTV, Mr. FTV, Mrs. FTV, Mr. FTV Right, Miss FTV Teen, Mr. FTV Teen, FTV Princess, FTV Prince. The 8 titles are as unique as the aspiring participants FTV wishes to work with. Giving the little kids a stage for a healthy competition where they can introduce themselves to the fashion industry, giving married men and women a chance to be a role model and inspiration to others, FTV Pageants has it all.

FTV Pageants is the platform where candidates can break the conventions as well as showcase the tradition of India. It is a way for them to fulfill their dreams, a place where they can juggle their life and work seamlessly to show the world what they are capable of. They get the chance to be judged, trained, and evaluated by the top-most personalities of the fashion industry. FTV Pageants and FTV is indeed their key to open their careers in the global fashion industry.

FTV Pageants will work as the bridge between Indian talents and their global reach. India has seen the rise of many personalities who want to achieve their dreams and present India as a shining star in the world fashion industry. Right from the beginning, FTV Pageants has taken on the mission to fulfill that, and what only awaits is the participation of the wonderful talents from all across India. This pageant will also act as a doorway to the wonderous FTV franchise, which has loads of benefits.

With the strategies curated by FTV and the mentorship and platform are given by the FTV Pageants, the participants will be all set to dazzle the world's eyes, catch their attention, and make their mark in the fashion industry. The vision of FTV will be channelized by the pageants and will make the candidates fully ready to make their dreams come true. The fashion and lifestyle exposure one will receive upon entering the pageants will make them grow more and more. Their chances of becoming a well-known name in the fashion industry, not just in their own country, but worldwide, will be extremely enhanced once they enter FTV Pageants and take the right step towards their goals.


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