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Full Stack Development Project Ideas – Beginner Friendly

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Overview of full stack developer

A developer who can design and build an entire program from beginning to end by managing all the coding, databases, servers, and platforms is known as a full-stack developer. Depending on the solution stack being utilized, full-stack projects can be further divided into web, mobile, or native application stacks.


A full-stack developer is a term that every other coding/development engineer wants to update in their LinkedIn and Facebook accounts, as more and more companies are trying to hire full-stack developers in India. To be a full-stack developer, you must be familiar with every technology needed to create an application from the start. Most engineers aim to broaden their skill sets horizontally to become full-stack developers.


However, the assertion will only be meaningful if the skills are thoroughly understood. If you're upgrading your skills to become a full-stack developer, make sure to learn every technology in-depth. You can learn a lot by working on practical tasks and projects.

Ideas & Topics for Full Stack Development Projects

  • Blog content management system

The best full-stack web application development project ideas for students would be on WordPress and Drupal. Users must be able to create web pages using drag-and-drop functionality within the CMS. Users should be able to drag and drop text or media into placeholders connected to specific locations on a website.


The entire website should be customizable in this way. A choice for users to publish blog entries is also required. In order to do this, you need a text editor component that can take user input text, convert it to HTML, and then push it into a database.


  • Multiple-client website providing client services

You primarily serve merchants in this context. After registering on the website, a page listing their services and prices must be created for each merchant.


It is possible for users to register as users and make purchases from merchants who are clients of your customers. A payment gateway solution that is integrated throughout the entire checkout process should be standard.


  • E-Commerce platform for auto parts

As part of this assignment, you can create a typical e-commerce website that showcases available goods. Selecting and adding items to a shopping basket should be possible for users. Then, users must be able to use a secure payment channel to make payments.


  • Food delivery application

This software needs to be able to connect customers and eateries. Owners of restaurants must be allowed to register and post their menu items along with their prices. Users must be able to register, view local restaurants, and place meal orders from particular restaurants.


The restaurant should accept the order, and a delivery person should be assigned to it. The user who placed the food order must see the delivery person's position and their dynamic delivery time estimate. The checkout and cart pages must be distinct across the entire program.


  • Grocery delivery application

Assume that a sizable online department store is the client for this project. Take it for granted that their godown is stocked with a wide variety of supermarket goods. All products, their quantities, and prices must be posted on the website.


User registration and grocery purchases must be possible. The user must be given the option of selecting his favorite delivery slot from a menu by the system. Once on the payment screen, users must use their preferred payment method to complete their transactions.


  • Website for at-home automobile servicing

The automobile workshop that this project is for plans to offer doorstep service. The workshop must be able to list the prices for their services on the internet. In order to access the essential services, users must be able to register and log in. Following that, users must be able to confirm the service time slot and finish the checkout procedure.


  • Application for project management

This will be the hardest of all because it has so many features. Users should be able to communicate with one another within the context of a virtual social media platform. Projects and tasks inside of projects should be able to be created by users.


As with a social network post, users must be able to delegate chores to other users and leave comments on them. Each user can initially have a calendar view and a board in the kanban style. When users complete tasks and projects, they must be able to close and archive them.


  • Task List project (To-do List)

A to-do list app is a simple and basic project with a practical application and one of the most popular full-stack projects for beginners.  

You can make a to-do list just like Microsoft's to-do list program. The capability to remove a job from the list after completion must also be included.


Working on this project will help you become more proficient in front-end development. By adding items to the directory and removing them from it, you'll get good practice performing the CRUD procedures on databases. The to-do list app can be used to implement user login and authentication.

I hope this list of full stack development project ideas will help you in your career journey. If you’re a beginner and want to upgrade your programming skills to advanced levels, worry not! Learnbay has the most comprehensive full stack software development course in Canada, in collaboration with IBM. Sign up and get started today!