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The popularity of food delivery apps such as UberEats has soared in recent years, leading many businesses to consider developing their own delivery app. In this article, we will discuss what is react native and how to create a functional UberEats clone app using React Native, a popular open-source framework for building cross-platform mobile apps.

What Is React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript framework that allows developers to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android using a single codebase. It is based on the React library, which was developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. One of the main benefits of using React Native is that it allows developers to reuse code between platforms, which can significantly reduce the time and cost of app development.

Building The App

Before we dive into the code, let's first outline the main features that our UberEats clone app will have:

  1. A list of restaurants and their menus
  2. A cart for adding and removing items
  3. A checkout page for placing the order
  4. A profile page for managing account information and past orders

With these features in mind, let's start by creating a new React Native project using the following command:

Next, we'll need to install some dependencies that we'll be using throughout the app. Run the following command to install the dependencies:

Now that we have our project set up, let's start by building the restaurant list and menu screens. For this, we'll be using the react-navigation library to handle routing between screens.

First, we'll create a new component called RestaurantList that displays a list of restaurants. This component will receive a list of restaurants as a prop and render each one in a FlatList.

Next, we'll create a Menu component that displays the items for a particular restaurant. This component will also receive a list of items as a prop and render each one in a FlatList.

Now that we have our restaurant list and menu screens, let's wire them up to our main app component. We'll use the createStackNavigator function from `



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