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Gain An In-depth Understanding Of a Public Speaking Course

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Most of us can feel our cortisol levels ramp up immediately after hearing the term public speaking. In several cases, fear of public speaking stems from mental breakdowns, fear of being judged or made fun of, or the anxiety of forgetting important lines between an important speech. 


So, to eliminate the fear of public speaking, an individual should draft a script, list down points they are willing to cover and devise a backup plan accordingly. Besides, it’s important to learn ways to carry oneself confidently in front of their potential audience. 


If you’re researching reasons to join a public speaking course or whether it’s the best choice for your overall development or not, you’ve stumbled upon the right page. 


Meaning of public speaking 


Public speaking is an event or a type of communication—in this case, the speaker gets an opportunity to express his/her views in front of a large audience or even a live audience. The only difference between personal interaction and public speaking is that in the case of public speaking, the speaker can’t interact with an audience personally. 


Public speaking is a common term used for verbal communications carried out in public. For example, people use it to express their ideas during speeches, conduct events, deliver presentations to motivate or share knowledge, influence people, and conduct social activities. 


Public speaking, also termed glossophobia, is a common fear found among people. Several individuals who haven’t prepared for their upcoming event or don’t have the experience to handle such situations can encounter glossophobia more often. 


This phobia can result from bad experiences, lack of preparation, inability to present oneself confidently, etc. So, to err on the side of caution, you should prepare yourself thoroughly. For example, you can prepare a written script, include the points you’re willing to cover and devise a plan to back it up. 


Symptoms of glossophobia or fear of public speaking 


If you aren’t aware of the signs of glossophobia, you can take a look at the below-mentioned signs that individuals commonly encounter:

  • You experience stress and anxiety even before delivering the presentation
  • The thought of speaking before a large number of the audience leaves you feeling nervous
  • You avoid any opportunity that require you to speak before your colleagues, top executives or targeted audience
  • You feel a need to control things when you are standing in public 
  • You often feel your heart pounding or racing. You might encounter sudden anxiety attacks and feel your body tremble in public
  • You’re afraid of committing errors 
  • You assume people are trying to watch you or judge you
  • You don’t find yourself worthy enough to stand or express your views in public 


Are you encountering any of the above-mentioned symptoms? If yes, it’s more likely that you’re suffering from glossophobia. Don’t sweat it- we have your back. Enrol in public speaking coaching today—you’ll be able to learn ways to overcome your phobia. 


Why is speaking in public considered the scariest task ever?


Public speaking is a common fear that exists among people of all age groups and domains. One of the major reasons behind it is the risk of feeling vulnerable. When we are standing in front of  a huge crowd, people are free to listen to our opinions, pass judgements, and observe us carefully. This sort of exposure can give rise to discomfort among people while causing fear and anxiety. 


As humans, we all have the propensity to remain in the good books of people and fear of judgement can make us introverts. For some people, the fear of public speaking often becomes pangs of anxiety and stressful experience as it is a totally new experience for them. As a human being, standing up on a podium in front of unfamiliar faces is similar to residing within an unchartered territory where unexpected things can happen. It can give rise to unwanted feelings such as doubt or insecurity while hindering our ability to communicate ideas effectively. 


What are the other causes behind the fear of public speaking?


There are other causes behind glossophobia; the common ones are listed below:

  • Lack of adequate knowledge related to the subject matter or topic was chosen
  • Nervousness or trembling
  • Stage fright
  • Fear of judgement and criticism 


To get started with, most people who encounter glossophobia aren’t familiar with the topic they need to talk about. Secondly, a few of them can feel nervous and forget whatever they want to communicate. Thirdly, stage fright is common among new speakers, and it can alter the pattern of thoughts. Speakers often stammer and fumble to find the right words to convey their thoughts. Eventually, people often find it difficult to share their views in public due to the fear of criticism or inability to accept judgement. 


Why should you enroll in a public speaking course today?


 When getting rid of glossophobia, you should learn ways to cope with your negative or overwhelming emotions. It helps you to remain calm and keep your posture poised throughout the entire presentation. This atmosphere encourages communication and can be beneficial in the following ways:

  • It’s important to prepare thoroughly on the topic and the points you are willing to convey. Public speaking fears are ranked third after the phobia of death and spiders. 
  • Conduct an audience analysis. Once you’ve gathered adequate information about your audience, you’ll be able to determine what’s going on in their mind. So, it enables you to organize the information gathered per your audience's expectations.
  • It’s important to sharpen your visualization techniques. To get started, you’ll have to visualize yourself on the stage. Next, when meditating on this thought, you’ll have to calm down your mind with the help of affirmations like, ‘it’s easy for me.’ 
  • You should have an open mind. An open mind will help you to commit mistakes and learn from the same. It helps you to calm down anxieties you are likely to encounter before your performance.