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Gaiwan Vs. Other Brewing Methods

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Comparing Gaiwan with other brewing methods, the most common alternative is using teapots. Let's examine the differences:

  1. Gaiwan typically requires a larger amount of tea leaves since they are infused 2-3 times. It also requires less water because Gaiwans are relatively small. In contrast, teapots require less tea, more water, and longer steeping times due to their larger size.

  2. Brewing tea with a Gaiwan involves a few simple steps but requires patience and practice in handling the delicate bowl, lid, and saucer. It demands careful attention due to its short steeping time. Teapot brewing, on the other hand, is more convenient, often featuring built-in infusers. It doesn't necessitate expertise or practice to make a perfect teacup.

  3. Gaiwans are recommended for brewing lighter teas like green tea, oolong tea, and white tea, while teapots excel with teas known for their body and boldness, such as black tea. The high heat retention of teapots contributes to their suitability for these teas.

  4. Oxidation plays a role in the taste of tea, with black and oolong teas benefiting from it, while green and white teas do not. Gaiwans, being non-porous, prevent contact with natural air during brewing, inhibiting oxidation. In contrast, teapots' porous nature allows for oxidation, enhancing the taste of the brew.

  5. Gaiwan brewing is ideal for small gatherings or individual consumption and is not suited for larger, time-consuming events. Teapot brewing is better for preparing larger quantities of tea and is commonly used for elaborate gatherings with multiple food pairing options.
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