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Get 100% Safe Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Tests

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A non-invasive prenatal paternity DNA testing accurately establishes the relationship between the unborn child and the alleged father. It helps reduce mental stress and offers peace of mind for both adults, which is essential for pregnant women. A prenatal paternity test can be used for legal cases for the well-being of future offspring. This test cannot use for the Sex Determination of the unborn infant. Doing so is a punishable offense.

Advantages of Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Tests

  • A non-invasive prenatal paternity DNA test is 100% safe for both mother & fetus. It can be done after nine weeks of gestation. In the test, the cell-free DNA of the child found in the mother's blood is analyzed. On the other hand, buccal swabs samples are collected from the alleged father.
  • Traditional prenatal paternity test processes, like amniocentesis & chorionic Villus sampling (CVS), are invasive and have the risk of miscarriage or harming the unborn child.
  • The non-invasive prenatal paternity test is cost-effective and less time-consuming. Conversely, the medical prices of undergoing invasive sample collections like CVS or amniocentesis can be higher, risky, and can take time to conclude & organize.

Does the Date of Conception Prove the Paternity?

Some ladies wonder whether paternity can be confirmed by trying to pinpoint a date of birth. It isn't easy to accurately distinguish when conception occurred because most ladies ovulate on different days. Sperm can live in the body for 4-5 days following intercourse.

If a lady had intercourse with two different individuals within ten days of one another and became pregnant, a paternity testing is the only method to determine which male is the biological father.

Method of Sample Collection for Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test

The alleged father's cheek swab & mother's blood sample are taken for this non-invasive test. The fetus's DNA sample is the cell-free placental DNA that circulates in the mother's blood. The process then involves shortening the DNA into smaller fragments and amplifying using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The profiles of the alleged father & unborn baby are then compared. At last, paternity is verified if the DNA analysis shows a 100% match. Paternity isn't established in the case of a 0% match.

DDC Laboratories India – For an Accurate Prenatal Paternity Test

DDC laboratories India is a well-known name in DNA test services. We are providing AABB, MOJ & NATA-accredited Immigration DNA Tests. In addition, we offer accurate prenatal paternity testing in India & abroad. We are trusted by various law-enforcement agencies for credibility. Using the moral code, highest standards, & uncompromised ethical compliance with the industry standards for DNA tests are some elements that make us the best DNA tests company in India.

Individuals who want a prenatal paternity test can visit the collection centers in major Indian cities. We release the prenatal paternity test report in 8-9 business days.

We have a team of expert advisors who can recommend the proper test and time to complete it. The client's test results are kept confidential.

For further information, you can call us at +91 7042446667 or WhatsApp us at +91 9266615552.


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