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It's time to see an allergist in San Antonio if you've decided you want a better treatment plan for managing your allergy symptoms. Prepare a list of topics to discuss with your doctor before scheduling your appointment. The following guide can help you get started.

When Should You See An Allergy Doctor?

People frequently live with allergy symptoms for years before seeking treatment. Many symptoms can be controlled with antihistamines and decongestants, especially for those who only have symptoms during the season. However, for some people, the symptoms are severe enough or last long enough that they interfere with their ability to live a normal life. In such cases, you should think about seeking treatment. Seek medical attention immediately if over-the-counter medications fail to provide relief or if you find yourself needing to take these medications for more than a couple of weeks. These medications are only intended for short-term use because they lose effectiveness over time. If you or your child develops asthma symptoms, you should seek medical attention right away. Excessive coughing, wheezing, difficulty catching your breath, and chest tightness are all symptoms of asthma. If untreated, asthma can be fatal, and allergies can exacerbate the condition.

What Is The Role Of An Allergist?

Allergists are trained to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions, including hay fever, food allergies and intolerances, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, and certain types of sinus and ear infections. To effectively treat allergies, the allergist must first determine what is causing the reaction. An allergy doctor San Antonio consults with their patient and administers a battery of tests to identify specific allergies, assess their severity, and determine the best course of treatment. This varies according to the substance. These tests help allergists diagnose and treat their patients correctly. Allergists can then recommend treatment, which could be as simple as avoiding an allergen or as complicated as immunotherapy.

You may want to consider visiting an allergist at Advanced Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Center if the following symptoms are present daily or seasonally:

  • Itchy, swollen, red and watery eyes.
  • Itchy nose, ears, eyes or throat.
  • A runny nose.
  • To sneeze.
  • Stuffy nose.
  • Persistent post-nasal drip.

Allergic rhinitis is actually one of the easiest diagnoses your doctor can make. If medical history suggests allergic rhinitis, an allergist in San Antonio will likely perform allergy tests to confirm the diagnosis, identify the offending allergens, and determine the severity of the allergy. Microneedling San Antonio is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that stimulates collagen production to treat skin issues. 

The advantages of PCN testing include the clarification and confirmation of true penicillin allergies, increased use of – lactams, and decreased use of vancomycin, fluoroquinolones, and clindamycin. Once the relevant allergens have been identified, an allergist will recommend a comprehensive immunotherapy for food allergy.

Getting An Appointment

General practitioners can treat and diagnose allergies in some cases. If your case is moderate to severe, or if your doctor does not believe they can treat it, you may be referred to an allergist. When you make your appointment, inquire if there are any special preparation instructions. Your doctor may have specific paperwork requests, and if testing will be performed during your first appointment, you may be asked to refrain from eating or drinking for a period of time prior to your arrival. Aesthetic treatment, also known as cosmetic treatment, is a nonsurgical procedure used to combat signs of aging, rejuvenate, and refresh the skin.

When looking for an allergist in San Antonio near me, you have several options. However, treating allergies and asthma requires specialized knowledge. You're looking for answers. You want to be relieved. You'd like someone to assist you. We are specialists at the Advanced Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Center. We want you to be pleased with your conclusion.