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In the paper and packaging industry, ensuring the durability of corrugated boxes is paramount. Manufacturers rely on precise testing instruments to gauge the strength of their packaging materials. One such indispensable tool is the Edge Crush Tester, designed to assess the compression strength of corrugated boxes' edges. Let's delve into how this instrument works and why it's essential for manufacturers.

Understanding the Importance

1. Importance of Durability

Corrugated boxes endure various stresses during storage and transit. It's crucial for them to withstand compression to protect the goods inside.

2. Role of Edge Crush Tester

The Edge Crush Tester measures the ability of corrugated boxes to resist crushing forces on their edges. This assessment is vital for ensuring the integrity of packaging.

How Edge Crush Tester Works

1. Testing Methods

The tester employs three main methods:

  • Edge Crush Test: Suitable for corrugated sheets up to 5 plies.
  • Ring Crush Test: Applicable for sample sizes ranging from 0.15mm to 0.60mm.
  • Flat Crush Test: Designed for corrugated sheets up to 7 plies.

2. Testing Procedure

The specimen is clamped between the jaws of the instrument according to the selected method. For instance, in the edge crush test, the sample's edge faces the compression plate. The motorized plate applies downward force at a controlled speed, simulating compression. The displayed results include the maximum load the specimen withstands and its deflection.

Features of Edge Crush Tester

1. Grippers

Equipped with high-quality grippers, the tester ensures a firm hold on specimens, enhancing test precision.

2. Safety Measures

Limit switches halt the compression process when the specimen is fully compressed, preventing damage to the instrument.

3. Construction

The tester boasts a robust construction with stainless steel and mild steel components, ensuring durability and rust resistance.

Installation Considerations

1. Placement

The tester is designed for bench-top use, requiring a stable surface capable of supporting its weight.

2. Power Supply

A nearby power source is necessary for uninterrupted testing operations.


The Edge Crush Tester prime is indispensable for manufacturers seeking to guarantee the quality and durability of their corrugated boxes. By employing precise testing methods and providing accurate results, this instrument ensures the safety of packaged goods during storage and transit, thereby enhancing consumer satisfaction and brand reputation.

Get Your Hands on the Edge Crush Tester Today!

To assess the compressive strength of corrugated box edges effectively, invest in an Edge Crush Tester. For inquiries or orders, contact us at +91 9210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com. We're dedicated to providing advanced lab testing equipment for thorough assessment and evaluation.


  1. What is an edge crush tester used for?
    • An edge crush tester measures the compression strength of corrugated box edges, ensuring their durability.
  2. How does the edge crush tester work?
    • The tester applies controlled compression force to the specimen and records the maximum load it withstands.
  3. Why is the edge crush test important?
    • It ensures that corrugated boxes can withstand stacking and compression forces, protecting the packaged goods.
  4. What are the different testing methods used by the edge crush tester?
    • The tester employs edge crush test, ring crush test, and flat crush test methods for different sample sizes and materials.
  5. Where can I purchase an edge crush tester?
    • Contact us at +91 9210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com to order your edge crush tester today.


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