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Get Reliable Remote Production Solutions at The Video Call Center, LLC

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Smart Phones make smart television.

Today’s television programmers need to find innovative approaches to interact with their audiences. At the same time, IP video tools are getting better, smartphones are smarter and viewers increasingly want their opinions to be part of the story.

The Video Call Center has seen these trends converging and has been hard at work developing a suite of tools to permit program producers to marry the benefits of video over IP so viewers, experts and celebrities can participate in live and live to tape programming.

VCC’s suite of tools are being used to create hundreds of hours of programming, incorporating thousands of live callers from all over the world to make the shows engaging, fun and very, very interactive. This enables programmers to create an open conversation with their audience while maintaining editorial control, high quality and limiting costs. The result is a new genre of video caller talk television, that supports breaking news, political specials, game shows and more. All with no additional cost for remote content acquisition. Working with virtually any Video over IP application, viewers, experts, reporters and stars can all participate with their smartphones and computers from wherever they are to create what we’ve dubbed “Participatory Television.”

Get advanced remote production solutions for the sports, news, and entertainment industry. For more information, visit us at https://www.thevcc.tv/about-vcc/


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348 Route 9W, Palisades NY 10964

212 235 7019 x2

Mon.-Fri.: 9:30am-6pm


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