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Do you dream of roaming the streets, hills and valleys of Italy in a classic Fiat? If so, you'll need to get an Patente di guida italiana first. To make it easier for you to do that, here are 7 short-and-sweet tips on how to get your Italian driving licence!

1. Be at least 18 years old

In Italy, one of the requirements to get a driving license is being at least 18 years old. This age restriction ensures that drivers have had time to learn and understand the rules of the road before they start driving on their own.

Additionally, if you are under the age of 18 and wish to drive in Italy, you must obtain special permission from your local authority.

2. Obtain a “Patentino” learner permit

Getting a “patentino” learner permit is essential for driving legally in Italy. To apply for it, the applicant must be at least 18 years old and have their ID or valid passport handy.

After signing up to take a medical test, they will receive an authorization letter from the National Agency of Motor Vehicles (ENAC) that allows them to take the necessary tests.Once the applicant has passed both written and practical exams, they can present these certificates along with their ID or passport to obtain the permit from ENAC's office in their city.

The issued document will allow one to drive as long as there is someone else accompanying them over 21 who holds a full license registered under their name on special conditions that appear on each Permit holder's copy of Patentino document like night time restrictions etc.

3. Attend an approved driving school and complete the required amount of lessons/training

Attending an approved driving school and completing the required amount of lessons/training is a key step to getting your driver's license in Italy.

Driving schools offer specialized training in learning how to safely operate vehicles, as well as teaching applicants important knowledge related to Italian traffic laws and regulations.

Upon completion of the required number of lessons/training, you will be tested on your skills and knowledge before being issued with a driver’s license. Taking courses at an authorized driving school is essential for successfully obtaining a valid driver’s license in Italy.

4. Take and pass the written test

Passing the written test is a crucial step to getting your driving license in Italy. The test itself requires an understanding of Italian traffic laws and regulations, as well as some knowledge about road-safety practices. It’s important to study beforehand and know what you will be tested on in order to pass the exam successfully.

Start by researching state and national safety guidelines, so that you can answer questions related to those issues correctly during the test. Additionally, practice with multiple-choice questions until you are able to select the right answer without hesitation or uncertainty. Finally, make sure you arrive at the testing center on time for your scheduled appointment; otherwise, it’s possible that your results may not be considered valid.

Following these tips can help ensure that you have a successful experience when taking and passing the written driving exam in Italy!

5. Pass a medical examination to obtain a “Certificato di Idoneità Alla Guida”

If you want to obtain a “Certificato di Idoneità Alla Guida” driving licence in Italy, you need to pass a medical examination. This is done by submitting an application form and having a doctor check your physical and psychological fitness for driving.

Once the initial paperwork has been completed and signed off by the doctor, there will be further evaluation tests such as vision tests, blood pressure checks and possibly other physical assessments which must be passed before the certificate is issued.

It is essential that any health conditions or medications which could affect your ability to drive are discussed with the doctor during this process so that they can advise on what should be done next. After all these steps have been taken and approved, then Certificato di Idoneità Alla Guida will be granted along with full Italian driving privileges.

6. Take and pass the practical driver's exam administered by local police station or Motorizzazione Civile

In order to obtain a driving license in Italy, it is important to take and pass the practical driver's exam administered by local police stations or Motorizzazione Civile.

This exam consists of an evaluation of your skills on the road as well as a written knowledge test. The practical part will include tests such as parallel parking, maneuvering around obstacles, navigating roundabouts and other traffic situations. You will also be assessed on your ability to understand certain Italian traffic signs and laws.

It is best to prepare for this section ahead of time by studying both Italian road regulations and taking practice drives with someone familiar with the roads beforehand in order to ensure success on the day of your test. There may also be a written portion that includes questions about car maintenance, safety procedures, registration rules, etc.!

So, make sure you have studied all relevant information prior to sitting for your exam too!  Once you have completed these tasks successfully, you should then receive certification from either Motorizzazione Civile or your local police station which entitles you to apply for an official Italian driver’s license.

7. Pay all processing fees associated with getting your license

Getting a driver's license in Italy can be somewhat of a challenge. One of the important tips to make sure your licensing process goes smoothly is to pay all processing fees associated with it.

All applicants must pay an administrative fee, while some may also need to pass tests or take extra classes at an authorized driving school in order to obtain their license.

When you have paid all of these fees, you will have completed one step towards getting your license and can finally start the application process.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, the above-mentioned tips should help any driver to get their driving license in Italy with ease or even help them Führerschein in deutschland kaufen!

However, the process is still lengthy and complicated so it’s important to be well prepared before setting off on your journey.

As long as applicants have all of the documents they need and know what tests they will need to take, they can successfully gain a driving license in Italy.