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Non Fungible tokens or NFTs, are the hottest trend in recent times that is getting the attention of the global tech community. With its uniqueness, it has started to invade a lot of industries, and the first few were the art and gaming industries. Play-to-earn NFT games are getting the most attention in the gaming community. Recently a play-to-earn game with Cricket NFTs has been making the headlines everywhere. What is play to earn games, and why are they taking the spotlight? Here you go; everything you need to know is here.

Play to earn NFT games

Play to earn NFT games; as the name suggests, you can earn money from just playing the game. In traditional games, you will have to pay for it to play without ads and pay for the in-game items every time you go without moves. In NFT games, you will have to buy an NFT, usually a minimum of 1-3 NFTs. They are generally the characters that are involved in playing the game. You can sell them off in the NFT gaming marketplace when you don’t need them. Thus it is beneficial for the gamers to earn a passive income. The recent spotlight of this trend is on the Meta Cricket league- the first ever play-to-earn NFT game on cricket. All you have to do is to get yourself NFTs of players from the Cricket NFT marketplace and start playing cricket and earn money out of it for every time you strike the ball.


With 55,000 NFTs being sold out in just 9 minutes, global cricket fans are excited for the game to launch. With sports and NFTs together, the meta cricket league is expected to take over the NFT enthusiasts and the cricket fans by storm.