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Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman: San Diego’s Award-Winning Bicycle Accident Lawyers

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If you were injured in a bicycle accident, it's critical that you contact an experienced bike accident lawyer immediately. Bicycles might result in serious injuries, which is why it's critical to have someone on your side who understands the legislation and can help you get the compensation you deserve. At Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman, we are San Diego area award-winning bicycle accident attorneys, and we will fight for you every step of the way. Call us right now for a free consultation!

Types of Bicycle Accident San Diego Encounters

Bicycles are one of the most popular modes of transportation in San Diego, and there are a variety of cycles-related incidents. These types of accidents frequently result in significant injuries, including fractures, concussions, head wounds, spinal cord injuries, and even death. The following are some of the most prevalent:

  • Being hit by a vehicle while cycling
  • Being sideswiped by a car
  • Getting pushed into a car, hit by a door or hit by a parked vehicle, hitting a pothole or other object on the road
  • Getting caught in the middle of another vehicle accident
  • Sliding on moist pavement or sand, and tumbling off your bike

If you've been hurt in a bike accident caused by someone else's carelessness, or if you've been injured in another sort of bicycle accident, we can help. We have a lot of experience dealing with a variety of bicycle accident situations, and we'll do everything we can to get you the money you deserve. For a free consultation, contact us right now!

San Diego Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Bicycles are a wonderful ride, but they may also be hazardous. Bicycles can inflict serious wounds, including bone fractures, spinal cord damage, and other catastrophic injuries that might result in death. The most frequent injuries sustained by cyclists who have been in a collision include brain concussions, fractured bones, back pains, burns, disfigurement, head trauma, limb loss (including amputation), neck injury and spinal damage. They will require continued medical care for the rest of their lives after an accident on a bike.

Our primary goal as San Diego bicycle accident lawyers is to obtain the best settlement for all of our clients. Get in contact with Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman LLP right away if you or someone you know has been injured in a bike accident. We will fight aggressively in court or on your behalf to get compensation or reach a settlement.

Need a Bicycle Accident Lawyer San Diego Trusts?

Many cyclists have been catastrophically injured while riding their bikes. Our firm represents the families of cyclists killed in bike accidents caused by the negligence of another party. We understand how a bicycle accident might alter your life or that of a loved one, and we are here to help you get through this difficult time.

You shouldn't have to worry about how you'll pay your medical bills or if you'll be able to take time off of work to heal from your injuries. Many bicycle accident victims develop irreversible impairments that prevent them from working again. Our award-winning personal injury attorneys can assist you in obtaining compensation for the negligent party's negligence, as well as the physical and emotional suffering they've caused.

Award-Winning Attorneys Who Work for You

The Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman law firm has a long track record of helping our clients receive compensation for their injuries and deaths caused by negligence. We've won millions of dollars in judgments and settlements for our clients, and we're eager to defend you.

You only pay us when you win your case, so you can rest assured that we will do everything possible to assist you to obtain the compensation you deserve. For a free consultation with one of our experienced bicycle accident lawyers, contact us right away. If we think you have a strong case, we'll fight for your rights in court or at the negotiating table on your behalf if we believe there's enough merit in it. Allow us to help you get what is yours rightfully.

Don't Underestimate Bike Accident Injuries

We at Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman realize that each accident injury claim should be handled with care. This is especially true when it comes to automobiles of all makes and models. Bicyclist injuries are more serious than most people think, and they can result in long-term disabilities or death.

That is why it's critical to contact a knowledgeable bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. Schedule a consultation with one of our experienced bike accident lawyers by calling Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman now. We'll examine your situation and advise you on the best course of action if we believe you have a strong case. If we feel your case has merit, we will take it on a contingent fee basis.

What Should You Do After a Bicycle Accident?

A bicycle accident may be traumatic, and it's critical to retain the services of a qualified San Diego bicycle accident lawyer. Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman LLP is dedicated to defending our clients' rights. If you or a family member was harmed as a result of someone else's carelessness in an automobile collision, we may file a personal injury or wrongful death claim on your behalf.

Insurance adjusters frequently attempt to encourage clients to accept compensation. It's important to remember that insurance adjusters are on the side of the insurance companies, not you. Their goal isn't to assist you; it's to save the big insurance companies as much time and money as possible. Keep an eye out for underhanded tactics since these firms aren't working in your best interests.

How Bicycle Injury Claims Work

The first step is to contact a skilled bicycle accident lawyer in San Diego who can evaluate your claim for you. We'll look into the incident and gather evidence that the opposing party was at fault, such as video footage, firsthand testimony, or police reports. We'll obtain your medical records to show how you were injured and how those injuries affected your life.

We will work with the insurance company to ensure that you are fully compensated for your injuries after we have gathered all of the evidence. If we're unable to reach a settlement, we're ready to go to court.

You shouldn't have to pay the consequences of someone else's carelessness. Contact Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman right away to get the wheels of justice turning and compensation for your suffering and anxiety.

Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman in San Diego Can Help!

Bicyclists are frequently hit by cars, and if you or a loved one has suffered injuries as a result of a bicycle accident, our experienced bike accident lawyers can assist. We'll examine your case thoroughly to figure out who is at fault for your suffering and hold them accountable. With over 30 years of combined experience, we have the knowledge and resources to assist you with obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Contact Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman immediately for a free consultation with one of our award-winning bicycle accident attorneys in San Diego. We get paid only if we win your case! The first step is to contact a knowledgeable San Diego bicycle accident lawyer who can assess your claim and inform you of your rights as a victim of someone else's negligence. To answer any questions you may have, Gingery Hammer & Schneiderman will provide you with a free case evaluation at no cost to you. Call now; don't wait any longer!


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