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Gingivitis: Understanding & Treating Bleeding Gums

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Have you ever noticed blood when you brush your teeth? That’s a telltale sign of a gum problem called gingivitis. In this blog, we’ll delve into the details of gingivitis, its causes, and most importantly, how to treat it.

Stay tuned as we break down the complexities and provide you with practical insights to tackle gingivitis effectively. Your journey to better gum health starts here.


What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease characterized by inflamed and bleeding gums. It can make gums appear red and swollen and sometimes cause tenderness or discomfort when brushing or eating.


The Reason Behind Gingivitis:

  • It starts with plaque, a sticky film filled with bacteria. Plaque forms when bacteria in the mouth interact with food particles and saliva, creating a sticky film that settles on our teeth.Some bacteria in plaque aren’t friendly at all. They irritate our gums, leading to swelling.Swollen gums become sensitive and fragile. That’s why they might start bleeding when we brush or floss.If we miss regular dental cleanings, plaque can become tartar, making things even worse.
  • Conditions such as diabetes and pregnancy, along with habits like smoking, can amplify gum sensitivity.For instance, diabetes weakens the body’s defense against infections, potentially intensifying gum issues.During pregnancy, hormonal changes can render gums more prone to inflammation and bleeding. Smoking, on the other hand, compromises blood flow to the gums, impairing their ability to heal.


Gingivitis Treatment:

Reclaiming gum health requires a joint effort between you and your dentist.


Step 1: Consult the Dentist

First and foremost, a visit to the dentist is crucial. They are your oral health partners and will guide you on the right path. Expect them to recommend a procedure called scaling.


Step 2: Dental Scaling Explained

Scaling is a process where the built-up plaque and tartar are removed using either an ultrasonic or hand-held device. This procedure is usually completed within 20-30 minutes and may require 2-3 sessions at most. The best part? It’s not a painful experience. A gentle sensation might be felt by some, but that’s about it.


Step 3: Post-Scaling Care

Following scaling, your dentist will give you oral hygiene tips. Remember, your part is essential here. Brush your teeth twice daily, ensure thorough flossing, and add mouthwash to your routine.

Alongside regular care, consider incorporating warm saline rinses. This simple step can aid in reducing swelling, speeding up the healing process.


Long-Term Effects of Gingivitis:

When plaque buildup isn’t addressed, it can progress into tartar, triggering inflammation that reaches beyond the gumline, affecting the underlying bone. This advanced stage, known as periodontitis, can jeopardize the stability of your teeth, causing them to become loose and eventually leading to tooth loss.



Don’t let bleeding gums dampen your smile – armed with knowledge, you’re now on your way to improved oral hygiene.

Remember, bleeding gums are a condition that can be reversed with proactive care. Don’t allow it to worsen; take charge of your oral health and embark on a journey to healthier, happier gums.



1) How do I get my Gums to stop Bleeding?

Ans: A simple dental procedure called scaling can stop bleeding gums. In this, the buildup on your teeth is removed by a dental professional. Don’t worry – it is a painless procedure.


2) How long should it take for your gums to stop bleeding after professional cleaning?

Ans: Typically, you can expect your gums to stop bleeding and start feeling better within about 1 to 2 days after a professional cleaning.


3) How to get rid of gingivitis fast?

Ans: To speed up the process of dealing with gingivitis, consider combining professional dental cleaning, like scaling, with warm saline oral rinses. This can help accelerate the healing of your gums.

Additionally, maintaining proper oral hygiene by brushing twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash consistently can make a significant difference in managing gingivitis effectively.


4) What vitamins help bleeding gums?

Ans: Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits and vegetables, helps strengthen blood vessels and promote gum tissue health.

Vitamin K, available in leafy greens and dairy, supports proper blood clotting and gum healing.

Vitamin D, often obtained from sunlight or supplements, contributes to overall gum and bone health.


Looking for a solution to your bleeding gums in Modesto?

At Paragon Dental, we strive to provide high-quality dental care to our patients.

Call us now for an appointment at (209) 548-0100, or come by our clinic at Paragon Dental, 1108 Oakdale Road, Suite A, Modesto, California 95355.


Gingivitis: Understanding & Treating Bleeding Gums