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Many people struggle with excessive underarm sweat and the pain that goes along with it as summer approaches. Constantly worrying about sweat stains and body odor can be annoying and make one feel insecure. Underarm laser hair removal can be the answer one has been looking for if they are sick of dealing with underarm hair and the problems that come with sweating beneath the arms.

In this article, we will explore how laser technique is beneficial to getting effective results and staying sweat-free this summer. The insights in this regard have been taken from Dr. Swati Agarwal- a renowned dermatologist for laser hair removal in Faridabad.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive treatment for unwanted body hair. This advanced grooming technique targets the roots of the hair. It painlessly destroys the root cause of unwanted hair and stimulates the formation of collagen. As a result, skin becomes supple and pigmentation free after this long-lasting hair treatment.    

Types of Laser Technique used for Underarm Hair Treatment 

Two types of laser techniques are commonly in use for the treatment of unwanted hair. These are:-

  • Diode Laser for thick hairs and darker tone
  • Alexandrite Laser for fringe hairs and lighter skin tone

These two types of laser techniques have different specifications to target all types of hair. In order to learn in detail, consultation with a laser expert is advisable. 

Procedure of Underarm Laser Hair Removal Treatment

In a laser hair removal treatment, a handheld device is used to remove the hair. The intense pulsed light (IPL) of this device stimulates the dermal layer and targets the hair follicles. The absorption of laser light’s heat by hair follicles makes them blast. This entire process is performed in a safe environment.  And after completion of the process, individuals can be discharged the same day from the clinic.   

After laser hair removal, redness and swelling around the treated area may occur. This is a short-term side effect of this treatment. To overcome such side-effects, massage with an ice-pack is preferred. Additionally, the below-mentioned tips are advisable for individuals to consider for the best outcome:-

  • Avoid going out in sunlight
  • Take rich-food diet
  • Keep the underarm clean 
  • Avoid using cosmetics like fragrance or sweat absorbing telecom
  • Quit or limit smoking and alcohol

Underarm laser hair removal is a multiple-session based treatment. Hence, individuals are  advised to be tranquilised and take all sessions of the treatment positively.   

Benefits of Underarm Laser Hair Removal

  • Long-lasting Results

Underarm laser hair removal offers long-lasting results as opposed to transient hair removal techniques like shaving, waxing, or using depilatory lotions. It can dramatically slow down underarm hair development with repeated treatments, allowing one to experience smooth, hair-free underarms for an extended period of time.

  • Reduced Underarm Sweat

Underarm hair can hold onto moisture and cause excessive perspiration. Laser hair removal can lessen underarm sweat by eliminating the hair follicles. Because there are fewer hair follicles, sweat can't collect on as much surface area, which lowers both sweat output and body smell.

  • Time-saving and Convenience

It can be time-consuming and maintenance-intensive to use traditional hair removal techniques. A practical and time-saving option is underarm laser hair removal. One may say good-bye to the hassle of routine shaving or waxing once they've completed the advised number of treatment sessions and enjoy their summer without anxiety.

  • Enhancement of Skin Texture

Regular shaving or waxing can irritate the delicate underarm skin, causing redness, pimples, and ingrown hairs. These procedures are no longer necessary thanks to underarm laser hair removal, which leaves skin that is softer and smoother. One can feel comfortable wearing swimwear and sleeveless clothing without worrying about inconvenient razor bumps or rashes.

  • Cost-effective Long-Term Effect

Despite having a higher initial cost than temporary hair removal techniques, laser hair removal is a more affordable option over the long term. The cost of laser hair removal is justified when compared to the money spent on depilatory products, waxing visits, and razors over time.

  • Boost in Confidence

Excessive underarm perspiration and noticeable hair growth can be embarrassing and insecure. One can restore their confidence and feel more at ease in their own skin by having laser hair removal performed on their underarms. Sweat stains may go away, and summer days can be carefree.

Ideal Candidate for Underarm Laser Hair Removal 

Laser underarm hair removal has a protocol for individuals to follow before considering the treatment. So, top-notch parameters in this regard are as follow:-

  • The individual must be more than 18 years old
  • There must be full growth underarm hairs
  • Underarm hairs must not be waxed 
  • One having a realistic positive approach and ready to take all sessions of laser treatment
  • If the candidate is diagnosed with any other disease like high BP, diabetes, heart problem then consultation with a concerned medical expert is essential
  • Individuals are advised to stay away from alcohol, nicotine or any other harmful addiction

Cost of Underarm Laser Hair Removal Treatment 

There is a variation in underarm laser removal treatment costs from one clinic to another. A primary cost-affecting factor is the type of technique. Additionally, the clinic's location, the skin doctor’s expertise in laser, and the individual’s mind-set, and approach toward completing all sessions of laser hair removal affect the result as well as the cost of the treatment. As a result, it will not be fruitful to quote an exact cost for underarm laser hair removal. In such circumstances, one can visit a skin clinic and get detailed information about the cost of underarm laser hair removal. 

Final Thoughts

Laser hair removal techniques offer numerous advantages, including enhanced skin texture, decreased underarm sweat, and long-lasting hair reduction. By considering this advanced grooming technique, one can give themselves the gift of smooth, sweat-free underarms this summer and the freedom to engage in outdoor activities without being concerned about shaving or excessive perspiration. To review the options and decide if underarm laser hair removal is correct for an individual, speak with an expert like Dr. Swati Agarwal, a skin specialist in Faridabad.

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