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Golf brand Adak signs sponsorship agreement with KLPGA Dream Tour prize money king Moon Jeong-min

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Moon Jeong-min (right) and Adak CEO Hwang Jeong-hoon.


Moon Jeong-min (right) and Adak CEO Hwang Jeong-hoon.

Golf brand Adak announced on the 29th that it has signed a sponsorship agreement with Moon Jung-min, who plays on the Korea Ladies Professional Golf (KLPGA) tour.

Moon Jung-min, who became the top prize money winner by winning twice at the Dream Tour, the second division of the KLPGA tour last year, plans to compete for the next two years wearing the Adak logo.

Adak's representative product is a premium club head care product that can manage the head surface and groove at the same time.

Starting with the sponsorship of the SBS golf entertainment show ‘Pyeon-eok and Gongchi-ri' in 2022, Adak is sponsoring the Golf Zone Open, iMBank Open, and Golf Zone G Tour competitions. 사설토토


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