Goodman 2 Stage Furnace: Is It Worth Your Money?

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If you’re in the market for a Goodman 2 Stage Furnace, wondering if it is worth your money, then you’ve come to the right place.

This 2 stage furnace comes with advantages and disadvantages. Below, we’ve listed the pros and cons of buying one and how does the brand compare with others.

Advantages of a Goodman 2 Stage Furnace
In general, this brand’s 2 stage furnaces are quality furnaces that, with proper care, will last for a very long time.

Also, if you’re looking for a product that will cost less in operation, 2 stage furnaces from Goodman are always a good choice.

They have energy star-certified furnaces so you can be sure that you are not only saving money on energy but are also helping the environment. And who doesn’t want that?

An energy star product has met the strictest energy performance standards by the EPA or the Environmental Protection Agency. You’ll definitely want a product tested for this.

In other words, with an energy star product, you’ll save on utility bills.

Also, a Goodman furnace with 2 stage heating…

● Is made of sturdy materials. This means you can rely on the furnace to last longer and get your money’s worth. Being sturdy also means it is low maintenance.

● Runs for longer periods and provides equal heat distribution

● Has solid encasement with airtight return side. No heat is escaping out of the system, making it very efficient.

● Has numerous venting options for multiple applications

● Provides extra heat through the heat exchanger

Even though 2 stage furnaces cost more than their 1-stage counterparts, they will save you money in the long run.

However, there are disadvantages, as well.

Disadvantages of a Goodman 2 Stage Furnace
Compared to 1-stage furnaces, 2-stage furnaces require a higher upfront payment. They are also expensive to repair.

Following are the disadvantages associated with 2 stage furnaces from this brand.

● Depending on the exact model, they need a special thermostat for two heat terminals

● Higher cost of repairs. Repairing a 2 stage furnace is less straightforward than a simple 1 stage furnace. So if they break, the cost of repairs can be very expensive

Is Goodman a good brand for furnaces?

Goodman as a brand
Goodman is one of the best brands for furnaces. They’ve made quite a name in the HVAC industry.

If you’re looking for furnaces, for your home or office, Goodman has both residential furnace lines and light commercial models. They also offer three varying price points to suit your budget.

Goodman is a name you can trust. They are known for:

● Quality. Goodman provides quality products you can rely on. You’d be glad to know that the quality of their products has also improved over the years, but still without a high price tag.

Their product may not have top-of-the-line quality, but their quality is comparable to those of the best brands because they use quality materials.

● Affordability. Goodman means value for your money. Their prices are lower than average so when you buy a furnace from them, you can get a quality furnace at a much lower price than other more expensive quality brands.

Their low price points easily make them a favorite in the market today.

● Easy Installation. Goodman furnaces also come with easy installation. Their furnaces have self-calibrating modulating gas valves that configure automatically. You can install them yourself with a minimum of effort.
● High Warranty Coverage

Goodman has high warranty coverage. They have some of the best warranties in the furnace market. In fact, they even offer product replacement for some of its top models.

Be sure to ask about the warranty of the Goodman furnace you’re eyeing when you’re ready to make a purchase.

Check out the huge selection of Goodman furnaces at Budget Air Supply. They are a distributor of high-quality and affordable HVAC products, including Goodmann furnaces.

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