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Grab Deal On Flight & Accommodation For Hornbill Festival

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Explore the vibrant culture of Northeast India at the Hornbill Festival 2023 in Kohima, Nagaland. This annual event in early December showcases the diverse indigenous tribes of the region, featuring music, dance, crafts, and delicious food.


The festival brings together 16 major tribes from Nagaland, each sharing their unique customs and way of life. You can enjoy folk performances, and traditional sports, and learn about the rich cultural heritage of the area.


Planning a homestay in Kohima during the festival is easy with Liamtra, a trusted travel partner. They offer a variety of accommodation options to suit your budget and preferences. Plus, you can book your flight through them, making your journey hassle-free.


Don't miss this opportunity to experience Nagaland's cultural diversity at the Hornbill Festival. Book your accommodation and flight with Liamtra today and create memories that will last a lifetime!

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