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Thinking about getting some narrow outdoor planters and livening up your outdoor spaces? Choose wisely – some plants will thrive better than others in the outdoors! Here are a few things you should consider first.

Why Grow in Planters Instead of in the Ground?
Growing plants in pots instead of in the ground offers some advantages. For one, there’s the fact that not all settings have the luxury of open land for planting. If you have no yard, tall or narrow outdoor planters are suitable surrogates.

Then there is the versatility associated with mobility. If plants are in planters instead of in the ground, you can probably move them as needed while incurring minimal stress to the plant.

Maintenance is easier too. If you have plants in pots and certain plants have different needs in terms of light, watering, or nutrition, you can allocate to each planter according to the needs of the plants growing in it.

Growing in planters also gives you the ability to elevate your garden and keep some pests, weeds, and runners away from your plants.

Finally, growing in planters gives you back control of decor – with so many unique and interesting planters on the market, you can make the pot a fixture of your exterior decor as much as the plants it contains.

What Are Some Good Outdoor Plants for Outdoor Year-Round Growing?
The United States Department of Agriculture has established 11 hardiness zones throughout the United States. As a general rule of thumb, if you’re planning on growing plants outdoors year-round, the plants you choose should be compatible with a hardiness zone that is 2 steps above (or colder) than yours.

This is not a hard or fast rule, but nonetheless, there are still some plants that are generally suitable for growing in containers outdoors, throughout the year, in much of the continental U.S.

● Green Mountain Boxwood: This is a slow-growing shrub with dark, beautiful foliage that keeps its color throughout the seasons. It’ll generally do well in zones 4 to 9 throughout the year and is a fairly hardy shrub that offers all-season verdure.

● Emerald Arborvitae: If you’ve never met cultivars of Arborvitae, these are (generally) small, tough little evergreens that offer bright color, are relatively slow growers, and are pretty hardy. They also tend to grow vertically, so if you don’t have a lot of horizontal space these are excellent picks.

● Blue Star Juniper: If Arborvitae is tough, Juniper is a veritable piece of iron. Among the most resilient ornamentals, Juniper also offers beautiful, slate blue foliage throughout the year and is resistant to disease, drought, and harsh weather. It’s low-growing, slow-growing, and can tolerate just about anything but soggy soil and high humidity, making it a great all-year ornamental throughout most of the country.

● Golden Sword Yucca: The Golden Sword Yucca is the brightest plant on this list. This cultivar has bright, almost green-yellow foliage that takes a tidy profile without needing to be sculpted, and is tolerant of a wide range of conditions, including dry and hot conditions. It also loves the sun but will tolerate shade. Nonetheless, it can tolerate some cold, too (it gets cold in the desert) making it ideal for all-seasons outdoor growing in zones 4-11).

Where Can You Get Narrow Outdoor Planters?
Interested in high-quality round, rectangular, tall, and narrow outdoor planters made of durable, weather-resistant fiberglass, and available in a number of colors and finishes? Visit Pots, Planters, and More (PotsPlantersandMore.com) and take a look through their collection.

They carry a wide range of indoor and outdoor planters and pots in a huge array of colors, sizes, finishes, styles, and more. They’re perfect as garden planter boxes, office planters, basic flower pots, and just as fixtures of indoor and outdoor decor. Take a look through their collection via the link above today!

For more information about Tall White Planter and Modern Rectangular Planter Please Visit : Greentec Innovations, Inc.