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Guaranteed Surrogacy in Ghana

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Surrogacy is a complex yet rewarding journey for many individuals and couples facing fertility challenges. In recent years, Ghana has emerged as a favorable destination for surrogacy, offering a range of services, including guaranteed surrogacy programs. These programs provide a sense of security and assurance to intended parents, promising a successful surrogacy journey. In this article, we will delve into the concept of guaranteed surrogacy in Ghana, exploring the process, benefits, costs, and legal aspects involved.

Understanding Surrogacy

Surrogacy is a fertility treatment option where a woman carries a child for intended parents or a couple. There are two main types of surrogacy: traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy involves the surrogate using her own eggs, making her the biological mother of the child. In contrast, gestational surrogacy involves the implantation of an embryo created using the eggs and sperm of the intended parents or donors, making the surrogate the gestational carrier only.

The Process of Surrogacy in Ghana

In Ghana, the process of surrogacy typically begins with the selection of a reputable surrogacy agency or clinic. Intended parents are required to undergo medical and psychological evaluations to ensure they are suitable candidates for surrogacy. Once approved, the agency or clinic will help match them with a suitable surrogate.

The surrogate also undergoes a thorough screening process to assess her physical and emotional health. Legal contracts are drawn up to outline the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. The surrogate then undergoes IVF treatment to prepare her for embryo transfer.

Benefits of Guaranteed Surrogacy Programs

Guaranteed surrogacy programs offer several benefits to intended parents, including:

  • Financial Security: These programs typically offer a fixed price for the entire surrogacy journey, providing financial security and peace of mind to intended parents.
  • Increased Success Rates: Guaranteed surrogacy programs often have strict criteria for both intended parents and surrogates, leading to higher success rates.
  • Emotional Support: Intended parents receive comprehensive emotional support throughout the surrogacy process, easing the emotional burden often associated with fertility treatments.

Cost of Guaranteed Surrogacy in Ghana

The cost of guaranteed surrogacy in Ghana can vary depending on the clinic or agency chosen, as well as the specific services included in the program. However, most programs include medical and psychological evaluations, legal fees, IVF treatment, surrogate compensation, and other related expenses. On average, guaranteed surrogacy programs in Ghana can cost between $40,000 and $60,000.

Legal Aspects of Surrogacy in Ghana

Surrogacy laws in Ghana are still evolving, and there is currently no specific legislation governing surrogacy. However, the country is generally favorable towards surrogacy, and surrogacy agreements are legally recognized, especially if they are done through a reputable clinic or agency. It is important for intended parents to work with legal experts who are familiar with surrogacy laws in Ghana to ensure a smooth and legally sound surrogacy journey.


Guaranteed surrogacy in Ghana offers a viable option for intended parents seeking a successful surrogacy journey. With the support of reputable clinics or agencies, intended parents can navigate the surrogacy process with confidence, knowing that their journey is backed by a guarantee. As surrogacy continues to grow in popularity, Ghana stands out as a welcoming and reliable destination for those embarking on this life-changing experience.



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