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The Guggulupanchapalachurnam is a popular ayurvedic medicine in powder form. The Kerala Ayurvedic tradition is being followed to produce this extraordinary medicine. This medicine is primarily used to treat skin disorders such as anal fistula, ulcers, dyslipidemia, and atherosclerosis. The medicine is also very useful in treating gastrointestinal ulcers, plus it is widely used to treat muscle spasms and muscle pain. Nonetheless, the substance is ideal for treating gastrointestinal issues and improving digestion. In this article, we will how this medicine works and how it should be used to get the most out of it. 

Main Ingredients of Guggulupanchapalachurnam

This ayurvedic medicine has gulgulu, pippali, Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amlaki, Twak, Ela, and other powerful herbal ingredients.  These ingredients are mixed separately to acquire the pure potential of the said herbs. These ingredients are ground properly until they are homogenous. The Guggulupanchapalachurnam gets rid of blood toxins, cures skin problems, and improves digestion plus cures constipation.

How Guggulupanchapalachurnam Works?

The medicine is widely used to treat gastrointestinal ulcers; it fights bacteria and other infections in the area. AVS Kottakkal Guggulupanchapalachurnam is used to suppress inflammation and swelling in the affected area while it also reduces the number and size of the skin pores. Although the medicine is used to treat skin disorders ayurvedic doctors are recommending this medicine to get rid of excess gas from the system meaning it will help with digestion. It also eliminates lipid concentration in the blood, which is good for managing cholesterol levels and for better heart health.

AVS Kottakkal Guggulupanchapalachurnam Dosages

The powder should be mixed with honey and 1-3 gms should be enough, you can take this medicine before and after taking food with Guggluthikthakam ghritam. There will not be any problems with Western medicines but you should consult with your doctor before taking Guggulupanchapalachurnam. Both homeopathic and allopathic medicine work well with this medicine, and dietary supplements will extremely well with this product. Before you take this herbal medicine, wait for 30 minutes to let the supplements and other medicines you are taking dissolve in the digestion system.

What Other Things You Could Aside From Taking Guggulupanchapalachurnam

As mentioned above, this medicine is extremely good at treating skin diseases, anal fistula, abdominal tumors, bloating, work infections, and gastrointestinal diseases. Although, do not expect much from this medicine alone if you are unable to follow a healthy lifestyle. Ayurvedic medicines only work when a good eating and exercise habit is followed. While you take Guggulupanchapalachurnam you should also take care of your health by doing regular exercise. Exercise will increase blood flow in the system and accelerate healing.  Yoga is also important, as it becomes a bridge between your mind and body users of the said herbal medicine should regularly perform Pawanmuktasana, Baddha Konasana, and Ardha Matsyendrasana.

Ayurvedic medicines work best when patients follow a fiber-rich diet, limit their sugar intake, and avoid junk foods and alcohol while reducing red meat consumption.  During the treatment try to avoid spicy foods as well because they will make the situation even worse.


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