1. Finance

Guide to Calculating Your Account Receivable Turnover Ratio for Business Growth

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Are you a business owner looking to understand and increase your account receivable turnover ratio? This ratio is a key performance indicator that allows you to measure the success of your business and its growth potential. By understanding and optimizing your account receivable turnover ratio, you can identify any potential areas for improvement and maximize your finances. This guide will provide you with an in-depth understanding of how to calculate your account receivable turnover ratio and how to use it to achieve successful business growth.

What is the Account Receivable Turnover Ratio?

The account receivable turnover ratio is a key performance indicator that measures the success of your business and its growth potential. It is calculated by dividing the number of accounts receivable (i.e. accounts that you have that have not been paid) by the number of accounts payable (i.e. the amount that you owe to customers). Accounts receivable means everything that you have received from customers, including money, goods, etc. Accounts payable means everything that you owe to customers, including money, goods, etc. If the ratio is below 40%, you have a good chance of achieving successful business growth. If the ratio is above 70%, you have a good chance of experiencing cash flow problems in the near future.

How to Calculate the Account Receivable Turnover Ratio

The basic equation for calculating the account receivable turnover ratio is: Receivables / Payables = Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio Where: Receivables are all the accounts that you have that you have not yet paid. Payables are all the accounts that you have that you have not yet paid. Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio = Accounts Receivable / Payables

Benefits of Optimizing your Account Receivable Turnover Ratio

By understanding and optimizing your account receivable turnover ratio, you can identify any potential areas for improvement and maximize your finances. This will help you to achieve better results from your sales team, with better customer service, and with reduced expenses. Improve your sales processes to increase the speed, accuracy, and consistency of your sales forecasts. Decrease your customer service calls by having a standardized procedure for handling each and every call. Optimize your manufacturing process to increase the production rate, the variability, and the accuracy of the production forecasts. Enable your customer service agents to complete their tasks more quickly and efficiently.

Identifying Areas of Improvement

There are many areas of your business that can be improved to increase your accounts receivable turnover ratio. These could be at the macro or micro level. At the macro level, you will want to review your general business strategy to identify areas that will help your business grow further. Try to identify which channels and products your customers are buying from, as this will help you to increase your sales through those channels. At the micro level, try to improve the speed and accuracy of your internal cash flow forecasts, as these will help your business to maximize its short and long-term growth.

Analyzing and Interpreting the Account Receivable Turnover Ratio

When reviewing your accounts receivable turnover ratio, you will want to consider the following: What is the volume of your receivables? How much of your volume is new business? How much of your new business is repeat business? How much of your repeat business is value-added business? How much of your value-added business is currently being sold? How much of your inventory is valued at $0.00 and how much is $100.00 or more?

Strategies for Improving the Account Receivable Turnover Ratio

There are many reasons for the decline in your accounts receivable turnover ratio. One of the most important reasons is improving cash flow. By implementing the appropriate strategies, you can significantly improve your cash flow and improve your accounts receivable turnover ratio. Decrease your customer service calls by having a standardized procedure for handling each and every call. Decrease your production processes to increase the variability, the accuracy, and the speed of your production forecasts. Decrease your marketing budgets to focus your energy on improving the customer service percentage of your business.

Best Practices for Utilizing the Account Receivable Turnover Ratio

Here are a few steps that you can implement to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your account receivable turnover ratio. Identify and address cash flow issues. Determine the cause of the cash flow issues. Implement a cash flow improvement plan. Identify your key performance indicators (KPIs) and measure them consistently and accurately.

Examples of Successful Business Growth due to Optimizing the Account Receivable Turnover Ratio

Here are a few examples of businesses that have successfully implemented the appropriate strategies to improve their accounts receivable turnover ratio. Selling services as a one-off deal – This type of business is highly vulnerable to cash flow issues. If you sell services as a one-off deal, you will most likely experience cash flow problems in the near future due to the fact that you will not be profitable until the month following your invoice payment. Offer a fixed-price contract – A fixed-price contract is generally less favorable to the vendor than an average of multiple price points. If you offer a fixed-price contract, you will have less flexibility in terms of the time frame, the amount, and the method of payment due to the fact that all of this information must be agreed upon in advance. Choosing a fixed-price contract also means that you are taking a financial hit because you are not able to negotiate a better price from your suppliers.


With so much competition in the market today, it is important that businesses are able to identify and correct any issues as they are discovered. By understanding and optimizing your account receivable turnover ratio, you can identify any potential areas for improvement and maximize your finances.


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