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Gum Graft surgery Houston is a dental procedure that involves the transplantation of gum tissue from one area of the mouth to another. The goal of the surgery is to cover areas where the gum tissue has receded or is insufficient, typically due to gum disease or trauma.

There are several types of gum graft surgery, including:

Connective tissue grafts:

Tissue is taken from under a flap of skin from the roof of the mouth and then stitched onto the area where the gum has receded.

Free gingival grafts:

Similar to connective tissue grafts, tissue is taken directly from the roof of the mouth and then transplanted onto the area where the gum has receded.

Pedicle grafts:

Tissue is taken from an adjacent area of the gum and then pulled over to cover the exposed tooth root.

Gum graft surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia and can take up to two hours depending on the extent of the procedure. Recovery time can vary but usually takes a few weeks. It is important to follow post-surgical care instructions provided by your dentist to promote healing and prevent infection.

Types of Gum Surgery

Gum Graft surgery Houston, also known as periodontal plastic surgery, is a dental procedure that involves taking tissue from one area of the mouth (usually the roof of the mouth) and transplanting it to another area where the gum tissue has receded or is insufficient. The goal of the surgery is to cover exposed tooth roots and prevent further gum recession.

There are three main types of gum graft surgery:

Connective tissue grafts:

The most common type of gum graft, where tissue is taken from under the flap of skin from the roof of the mouth and then stitched onto the area where the gum has receded.

Free gingival grafts:

Similar to connective tissue grafts, tissue is taken directly from the roof of the mouth and then transplanted onto the area where the gum has receded.

Pedicle grafts:

In this type of graft, tissue is taken from an adjacent area of the houston dental implants and then pulled over to cover the exposed tooth root.

Gum graft surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia and can take up to two hours depending on the extent of the procedure. Recovery time can vary but usually takes a few weeks. It is important to follow post-surgical care instructions provided by your dentist to promote healing and prevent infection.


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