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Hair Care Routine Guide for Healthier Hair.


Are you also facing trouble with hair problems like dryness, oily scalp, breakage, or others? It is because you do not follow a healthy hair care routine.  As per Online Skin Doctor Consultation, it is essential to have a hair care routine. This will ensure your hair’s good protection and helps them grow more. 

When you make up your mind to follow a routine, it must coincide with your daily life structure. So, the following guidelines will help you with an easy way to make your hair healthier.

The following will help you guide through your hair care routine so you get healthier hair. 


The very first step to note down in your haircare routine is cleansing. You must be cleansing your skin daily, but it is vital to cleanse your hair too. This should not be done every day, but it depends on the quality of dryness in your hair. Also, the products (moisturizer) you use while cleansing determines the routine. After washing your hair with cold water, you will find your scalp clean. If you follow this routine at regular intervals, your hair will get rid of dirt, grease, and dead skin cells. Thus, your hair can get a shiny look.


The next step after using a moisturizer for cleansing is to condition. Using conditioners can benefit you to detangle, reduce frizz and give shine to your hair. Further, it will also replenish the moisture that has been removed by your shampoo. In addition, conditioning will also remove the knots, if any, caused by applying shampoo to your hair. 

You must apply the conditioner to your wet hair and leave it for not more than 2-3 minutes. Also, for lessening the fall during conditioning, opt for an easy-weight, silicone-free product. 


Detangling means using a relevant hair care tool to brush your hair. It is an essential step to include in your daily routine as it stops the breaking of your hair. You may use a wide-tooth comb to prevent hair loss or pulling out of hair. Or, you can also apply some amount of hair serum or oil before detangling. But it all depends on your hair type which speaks more about the intervals in which you require to detangle. For better results, always comb the bottom hair first and then move upwards to the roots.

Protect and style

It is better to first ensure your hair protection and then use styling tools. For such, before curling or using a straightener, always comb and prepare your hair finely. By this, you will find less breakage of your hair and a perfect hairstyle that lasts longer.

With this, you must use a heat protection spray for your hair to prevent hair blowing while using heat instruments. The heat-protectant will also safeguard your hair from sun damage or other UV rays. Also, you should never use these hot instruments on your wet hair. 


Your hair needs little moisture after drying or styling. For such, you must use a moisture boost. You must add some oil to your hair. Also, oiling is helpful on those days when you are not washing your hair. Hair oils control frizz and prevent dryness from your hair. While you have a Dermatologist Online Consultation, you will understand the need to moisturize your hair.


Hair Treatment is a remedy for taking care of your hair deeply. You may choose a particular area of your hair that you find has an issue and allow the treatment. For instance, if you want to get rid of frizzy hair, you may get a relevant treatment for it. Also, if you have an extra dry scalp, applying some products can help your hair to nourish.

According to a Skin Specialist Online Consultation, you can have different treatments for your hair. These treatments vary for your scalp, dry hair, oily hair, or any other damage. Choosing an appropriate treatment for your hair will give them a shiny look.


Even if you follow this hair care routine, it will be different from others. This is because of the timings you follow and the products you use. But ensure you follow a smooth routine to have fewer problems with your hair. So, you can enjoy your life with shiny and thicker hair.



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