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Previously, hair loss was perceived as a symptom of aging, and individuals tended to disregard it due to a lack of knowledge and limited options. However, in the present era, people are well-informed and actively seek solutions for their hair loss issues. The advent of digitalization has provided a vast amount of knowledge, enlightening individuals about the latest scientific and technological advancements. Consequently, the popularity of hair transplant surgeries has also surged, parallel to the increasing awareness among the masses.

Why hair loss in men?

Hair loss can be attributed to various factors, with genetics being the primary culprit. Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia, is a genetic condition that can be passed down through generations on either the paternal or maternal side. Other factors that can contribute to hair loss include the use of hot tools (such as hair straighteners and curlers), hot baths, stress, chemical treatments like straightening, tight hairstyles like braiding, hormonal changes post-menopause, certain medications (such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, and antipsychotics), lack of sleep, and poor nutrition.

Causes of hair loss in women

Female pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women. However, there are several other factors that can contribute to hair loss. These include genetic predisposition, autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalances, certain medications, menopause, pregnancy, excessive stress, intense dieting or rapid weight loss, iron deficiency, and vitamin deficiency.

In addition to these factors, poor nutrition, increased pollution, changes in lifestyle, and a stressful life can also contribute to hair loss. It is important to note that hair loss caused by these reasons can be either temporary or permanent. Temporary hair loss usually resolves within a few months as the hair shedding and growth cycle balances out. On the other hand, permanent hair loss cannot be reversed, and once the hair follicles are lost, they cannot be restored by any means.

Hair transplant: Surgical procedure

Hair transplantation is a precise and delicate cosmetic surgical procedure that involves multiple steps carried out in a single session, from the harvesting of hair follicles to their transplantation. It is crucial to have an experienced and skilled surgeon to ensure satisfactory results. The complete procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Prior to the hair transplant, the hair follicles are trimmed from the scalp as needed, depending on the requirements of the procedure. In the case of the FUT hair transplant, minimal shaving is required from the strip harvesting zone. However, for the FUE technique, complete trimming is necessary.
  2. Local anesthesia is administered to both the recipient and donor areas to ensure a painless procedure.
  3. The harvesting of grafts is performed based on the chosen technique. There are two methods available: FUT and FUE hair transplant techniques.
  4. The recipient site is prepared through a slitting procedure, taking into consideration the direction and angulations of the hair follicles to achieve aesthetically pleasing results.
  5. The harvested grafts are then carefully transplanted into the recipient site, ensuring proper placement and alignment for natural-looking hair growth.
  6. The recipient site that has been prepared is populated with the harvested hair follicles using Keep implanters, employing the “no root touch technique” to improve the survival rate of the transplanted grafts.
  7. Following the hair transplant procedure, small clots form around the implanted hair follicles, which are then washed away by the clinic professionals on the following day.
  8. Patients are provided with post-procedure instructions and are advised to adhere to them diligently.

How hair transplant surgeries solve the issue of baldness?

There are numerous temporary solutions available in the market that claim to treat hair loss or slow down its progression. However, the effectiveness of these remedies remains uncertain. Two medications, namely Minoxidil (an over-the-counter lotion) and finasteride (a prescribed tablet taken orally), have been approved for use. These medications are intended to slow down hair loss and promote hair growth. While they have shown benefits in certain cases, there is no guarantee of results and hair loss may resume once the medication is discontinued.

Benefits of the hair transplant surgery

Hair transplant is considered the ultimate solution for treating hair loss and is widely regarded as one of the most effective treatment options. The procedure offers several benefits and has the potential to successfully address the issue of baldness. These benefits include:

  1. Permanent results:Hair transplant surgery is renowned for its ability to deliver permanent results. The key to this permanency lies in the careful selection and transfer of DHT resistant follicles. These follicles, which are located at the back and sides of the head, remain unaffected by genetic influences and continue to grow throughout a person's lifetime. Since the genetic composition resides within the follicles themselves rather than the scalp, when these follicles are transplanted to a desired location, they maintain the same growth pattern, ensuring their permanence in the recipient area.
  2. 2. Natural results: The hair transplant procedure is highly effective in producing natural-looking results. However, achieving the desired aesthetic outcomes requires the expertise of a skilled surgeon. Proper attention must be given to designing the hairline and ensuring maximum coverage for a successful outcome. The hairline design takes into account factors such as the patient's age, sex, facial profile, and individual needs. The angulations, arrangement, and alignment of the transplanted hair follicles are carefully considered to ensure that the results appear natural and are not easily discernible by others.
  3. Long term benefits:When performed with care, the hair transplant procedure offers long-term benefits, particularly in cases of extensive baldness where a single session may not be sufficient, as well as in progressive bald cases. This allows for multiple sittings to be conducted, ensuring that the desired results are achieved over time.

Hair loss can be effectively addressed through hair transplant procedures, but it is crucial to entrust this task to a skilled and proficient surgeon. “Medispa clinics” have gained a reputation for delivering exceptional outcomes in hair transplant procedures at an affordable price. Dr. Suneet Soni, a renowned hair transplant surgeon, is widely recognized for his expertise in the field. His artistic approach to designing hairlines has earned him global acclaim. With over 18 years of experience and more than 20000 successful cases, Dr. Soni's dedication to the field of hair transplant has been acknowledged through numerous accolades at national and international conferences.


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