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One of the best treatments to manage androgenic alopecia, chronic hair loss, and male pattern baldness is hair transplantation. The technique involves the extraction of hair grafts from the back or side area of the scalp and then placing them into the frontal, vault, and temporal area of the scalp affected by hair loss. There are two techniques by which hair transplantation is performed: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). The procedure is not painful and is performed under local anesthesia, and one can return back to their home just after one hour of the procedure. The best hair transplant in Gurgaon is performed by the expert and experienced hair transplant surgeon at Skin zest and they help their patient achieve safe, reliable, and successful hair transplantation results. To know if you are an ideal candidate for hair transplantation, pay a visit at Skin Zest.


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