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Hair Transplant – Is It A Permanent Solution?

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You may not be favorably inclined towards a hair transplant permanent because of its rather patchy record of effectiveness. However, hair transplant technology has come a long way, especially in the last decade. You can now get a full head of hair using micrografting technology that uses hair follicles from your own body to areas on your scalp with thinning hair. Because the procedure is time-consuming and relatively expensive, the first question most people have is regarding the permanent hair transplant procedure's effectiveness.

Healing and Growing

After getting a permanent hair plantation, it is natural for your skin to take time to heal. You should not be worried so see a few transplanted hairs falling after the procedure, as it is normal for some hair loss to happen within the first three months of the transplant procedure. The complete healing process can take up to a year after the permanent hair replacement. However, hair begins to grow from the transplanted follicles after the scalp heals fully and will gradually fill out the bald patches on your head. The permanent hair implants will keep growing naturally with age. However, just like your original hair follicles, even transplanted hair has a lifespan and will stop growing at some point in time, and you will once again experience a thinning head of hair.

Is Hair Transplant Safe and Permanent?

You may need to undergo a second permanent hair restoration after a few years if you bald faster. Depending on the extent of hair loss, doctors may recommend multiple transplant surgery sessions to achieve the desired result. Other patients may be pleased with the result after their scalp has healed and may go in for additional thinning patches later.

Appearance and Long-Term Expectations

It can take a little while to see the results of your hair transplant procedure. There is no cause for alarm if you see hair falling in the first few months after the transplant procedure, as it is normal. Once the skin on your head heals, you will see experience hair growth. The new hair will be of the same texture and length as your original hair, and you may have it cut, dyed, and styled as you want.


A hair transplant is a long-term solution, even if you experience some thinning with time. However, the main reason why people consider this kind of hair transplant permanent is that you cannot reverse the process.



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