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Have you ever wondered what is air made of? Almost all beings in the world breathe it every day. Unfortunately, how important air is for life does not capture the human imagination as it should. Read on to find out what air is made up of, and how to keep it clean

What is air made of?

Air is a mixture of gases and particles that is essential for us to live. In the main, air is made up of:
– nitrogen,
-carbon dioxide
It is worth taking care of air cleanliness, especially during the heating season, when we are particularly exposed to inhaling poisonous smog. In many cities around the world, special sensors are being set up to check what the air is made of and to alert us if certain standards are exceeded.

Inhaled air and exhaled air – what is the difference in composition?

It turns out that there is a difference between the composition of inhaled air and exhaled air. When we breathe, we reduce the amount of oxygen in the air and increase the amount of carbon dioxide. Interestingly, nitrogen – which is present in the air in the highest amount – is not used by the body. If you want to know more about what air is made of, check out our blog article!



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