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Signs & Aftercare of Heat Stroke (Hyperthermia) in Dogs | PetCoach

Heatstroke has a high mortality rate, around 50% among dogs. Many dog owners are unaware of this, which puts their dogs at risk in case they experience heatstroke out of nowhere. 

When the weather is hot, heatstroke is more prominent. Certain breeds might experience heatstroke more than others. In contrast, some can withstand the sun's scorching heat without experiencing heatstroke. A dog with a thick and long coat will be more prone to heatstroke than a dog with a short coat. 

The paw pads of your dog are where he releases his sweat. This is why it is even more difficult for him to cool down when his paw pads are on the hot ground. Aside from their paw pads, dogs have a cooling down strategy, which involves filtering the air they inhale through their noses. Even if dogs have this strategy, it is still best to keep them strictly indoors when the temperature outdoors is too hot. Prepare water your dog can drink, as this can also help him cool down.


Your veterinarian Carmel Valley is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and well-being.


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