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Help Your Cat Lose Weight

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Here are some tips to encourage weight loss in your feline friend:

  • Consult with a veterinarian. Before altering your cat's diet or exercising regimen, it's advisable to speak to their vet to rule out any serious medical conditions.
  • Adjust their diet. Switch to a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet and limit their calorie intake. Avoid feeding your cat table scraps or high-calorie treats.
  • Increase exercise. Encourage your cat to be more active by providing toys for them to play with and setting aside regular playtime. Consider investing in a cat tree or other climbing apparatus to encourage them to be more active.
  • Gradual weight loss. Avoid sudden or rapid weight loss, which can be harmful to your cat's health. Instead, aim for gradual weight loss of no more than 1-2% of their body weight per week.


Remember to monitor your cat's progress and consult with your veterinarian Kitchener, ON regularly. Your cat can achieve a healthy weight and enjoy a longer, happier life with proper care and attention. Schedule an appointment today.


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