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Helpful guide for IServ Cordless Phones

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Losing customers Because of Operator Inefficiency

If you are experiencing this, then you might want to take a look at Iserv Dect Phones, these will change the efficiency of your business forever. You know quite well that you communicate with your staff and they communicate with the clients using telephone systems, it is usually the first method on which potential clients would communicate with your business. And with this matter at hand, making your client's first and next conversations with you a pleasurable experience. Rerouting a call from the customer to the correct staff must be as efficient as possible and by doing this you mustn't cut the customer off. By doing this, your staff must have the correct tools at their disposal to give the best possible service they can to your customers.

How to Install and Operate

You need to install the operator software onto a windows desktop computer. All the information needed by your staff will be easily accessed on the screen. You can easily see the incoming calls window, this is where the incoming calls which are needed to be answered are displayed. Next to it is the active calls window which shows the active calls your staff are taking and who are taking the calls. You can also see the Busy Lamp Fields Window which shows the extensions in the company and their current status, here you can easily check if someone is about to take a call or is busy, you can also monitor your staff here if their line is in a do not disturb mode, here, you can disable or enable such modes using the software installed.

How it Works

Once a call comes in, the operator software will immediately show the callers detailed information if it is available. You will get to know if the caller is a new customer or a regular, you can easily this information in the incoming calls window. The operator can answer the call by picking up the IServ Cordless Phones or by double clicking the caller's information on the incoming calls window. If the call needs to be transferred to another staff, using the software will make this easy. You can check the staff who is needed for the call using the software, if the staff is available, you just need to drag and drop to call into the staff's name and the call is now transferred. This said features are just the basics, you can get a lot more once you purchase the device.


Clients or customers are a essential for a business to succeed, hence, taking care of your customers is a must. Having conversations thru the phone and easily transferring them to needed people is a must in any business. That is why the IServ Cordless phones is a must have in your office. This will help you maximize your staff and make your customers feel they are important. If you want to know more information about this device, you can visit miadistribution.com.au which offers a wide variety of products that you can use for your business and your home.


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