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Helping Your Child With Autism Do Their Homework

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No student enjoys doing their homework. After all, after spending a busy day at school — they want to be able to dedicate their time to something a little more relaxing or fun, such as exploring their special interests or hobbies. However, for children with autism or related disorders, completing their homework could present them with a number of different challenges that they must combat.

While the school year may be behind us, many teachers chose to set their student’s work to complete over the holidays. If not, it’s important that they develop these skills in time for the new academic year.

With that in mind, here are some tips that you can use to help your child complete their homework (without the stress).

  • Add it to your calendar
  • Communicate with their teacher
  • Help them when they ask
  • Choose a ‘homework spot’
  • Help them relax

At Alee Behavioral Healthcare, we have decades of experience working alongside children with autism and their families to give them the skills they need to thrive in their daily lives. Through a range of different online therapy and clinical services, we can help your child through just about everything they encounter — from homework to finding their voice. Get in touch today to find out more!

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