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  1. 1. Provides Centralized Contact details

Although there are many travel companies are providing technology solutions  but still majority of  travel companies are Excel and Microsoft Office to run their sales & operations. While these tools which are offered by Microsoft Office are good for manual calculation purpose for other important work but they’re simply not in the same features as TRAVCRM when it comes to keeping records of all important information related to your agents, customers and suppliers.


The database that TRAVCRM provides is not a static repository of data uploaded or entered into it but allows travel companies to track all relevant agent and supplier interactions with your business across the length and breadth of your sales and operations cycle.  

This centralized databank is accessible to all authorized users and enables travel business to craft personalized communications based on predefined templates that are displayed by customers across your platform.


  1. Enables Complete Client Journey

Besides tracking and keeping record of  client information, the best travel crm TRAVCRM will ensure that your sales team will focus your energy on promising leads and  avoid following up on redundant prospects. TRAVCRM enables you to prioritize promising leads for early closure by helping you qualify them by assigning different sales stages or via segmentation through activity segmentation.

Visibility of lead insights are available at a glance in graphic representation which can help respective users to have relevant communications to their leads and guide them through the various stages of sales cycle defined by you.


  1. Personalised Communications

How can you ever think to satisfy your prospects or clients when you don’t know exactly what they are looking for ?

TRAVCRM can easily track very interaction your leads starting for capturing every interaction including calls, meeting and emails, thereby giving you complete insights into what your leads are thinking. With all these important information displayed precisely in chronological order at your fingertips, your sales staffl no longer have to fight tooth and nail to create personalized communications in order to close sales        .              


  1. Integration & Automations

With TRAVCRM, you get an application that seamlessly integrates across your various stakeholders and that allows multiple agents to work  simultaneously. This ensures that every authorized user has access to assigned rights to perform their work in efficient manner which contributes to good collaboration and a smoother work environment.

The sales automation functionality that TRAVCRM  allows you to avoid wasting time on repetitive tasks and is flexible enough to work on your particular sales process. Everything from lead and task assignment and To Do List notifications to lead prioritization and even the assigning of overdue tasks can be managed from TRAVCRM itself,  it will help you to focus on other more important aspects of growing your business.


  1. Data-driven detailed  Dashboard & Analytics

TRAVCRM provide compelling visual interface via multiple dashboards wherein multiple reports helps you to do your business projections which is quite important for your business strategy. Outbound CRM for Travel Agency Finally, you get detailed analytics on revenue and other sales and operations in a timely manner so you get the complete information which aspects of your business need more attention. With all these different reports available at your fingertips, it’s hard to imagine why a large number of travel companies  are still on traditional way to manage your business on Excel that rely on manual input and memory to organize business efforts.


