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Nearly all, especially during seasonal changes, people suffer from the common cold once or twice a year & children are more vulnerable. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi, etc., is a particularly infectious disease of the common cold. Typically, adults heal rapidly, but viral pneumonia can be devastating for kids. If the common cold is overlooked, serious upper respiratory tract symptoms can occur.


A filterable virus causes the common cold. Any person who comes into contact with another person having a cold may also get it. Other causes of the common cold may include sudden changes in temperature, improper food, obstructions of the nose, fatigue, exposure to cold, lack of sleep, and dampness. The virus is transmitted by droplet infection, by direct contact, or through things like towels, handkerchiefs, books, notebooks, pens, or any other object that might be exchanged. It can last anywhere from a few hours to 2 or 3 days. Sometimes it lasts for seven days.

Risk factors

The following variables may increase one's chances of having a cold:

●      Age: Infants & kids below six years old are at the highest risk of colds, particularly if they spend time in daycare settings.

●      Vulnerable immune system: Any chronic illness or a compromised immune system enhances your risk of getting a cold.

●      Smoking: The risk of developing a cold is high & more severe if a person is exposed to cigarette smoke.

●      Time of year: Both adults & kids are susceptible to colds in cold weather, especially during seasonal changes.

●      Exposure: Association with many people, especially in public settings, enhances one's chances of being exposed to the virus that causes the infection.


Rest is advisable to give relief from body aches and headaches. The common cold generally lasts for a regular course of 1-2 weeks, and the immune system can cure the problem, although early treatment shortens the length of the cold.

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