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Jammer mart specializes in the manufacture and sale of high quality signal jammers and offers a wide range of military signal jammer.Military jammers include portable, tabletop, suitcase, briefcase and vehicle models for a variety of purposes.

Other models include bomb jammers to protect vehicles from improvised explosive devices (IEDs), prison jammers to assist with area protection, remote jammers to remove remotely operated devices, and a range of Wi-Fi and Global System for Mobile (GSM) jammer for handling wireless and GSM signals.

Drone jammers disrupt remote control and GPS signals.Jammer mart offers a range of specialized jammers designed to disrupt the Remote Control (RC) of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) drone/quadcopter or its Global Positioning System (GPS) signal.

Most high-end commercial 3km-5km drones/quadcopters only use 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and GPS L1. Other 5.8GHz, 433MHz, 928MHz UAVs can control the maximum length between 500m and 1000m.We offer proven high-quality wireless technology equipment and guarantee operational stability.

Prison Jammers for Military Sites

Prison jammers are designed for use in prisons and other large sensitive locations such as military or government compounds, and can be used to block inmate phone communications when necessary. They are also used in military units, security and secret services, oil and gas storage facilities and fields, and museums.

Jammer mart focuses on market needs, security trends and meets the growing needs of the security market by developing various types of jammers.