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It’s not even Black Friday, but it’s time to put your holiday marketing plan into action. From finalizing the campaign plan to creating videos and employing product review services, there is plenty of work to be done before the holidays hit. The goals are to extend brand awareness, build loyalty, capture the festive spirit, and drive sales. Here is what you need to know.

Prioritize Campaign Planning

You should be putting the finishing touches on your campaign plan at this point. Who is your target demographic for this holiday campaign? Who are the new targets for expanding brand or product recognition? Have you partnered with a product education platform with the capabilities of a video creative agency to start planning when to release videos about your brand or product? The product education platform can often help you plan your campaign or finish the planning phase. The key to finishing your planning phase is putting it into action as soon as possible.

Create Gift Guides

Creating gift guides that feature your brand or product is a great way to advertise. However, if you want to build brand loyalty, it needs to be an authentic gift guide. Include other items from other brands that can help consumers but do not overlap with your product. This shows potential customers that you are not just hyping your product but realize there is a healthy marketplace of products for all needs. That’s where the product education platform comes in. Partnering with one that has the capabilities of explainer video companies means you can get a video holiday gift guide explaining your product as well as other products that can complement it. Acknowledging that your product is not the only one available helps build brand loyalty through authenticity.

Present Authentic Reviews

Speaking of authenticity, you want to present potential consumers with authentic reviews. Choosing the right product education platform means you will be paired with experts who use your product on an everyday basis. They are authorities in their industry and know how to use your product. They are perfect for giving a genuine review of your product, as well as comparing it to similar products. This authenticity is what consumers want, and it can help build brand loyalty and thus drive sales. Producing reviews before the holiday season means consumers can watch the videos and understand why your product is better than the competition, helping them make their holiday purchases.

Leverage Social Media

Leveraging social media can help build brand awareness. By using the videos above, or portions of the videos to tease a longer video, you can target a specific demographic, whether you are trying to solidify brand loyalty or reach a larger audience. Using experts alongside influencers can lend credibility to the video thanks to the expert, while the influencer uses their higher social media followers to extend your reach. It’s an excellent way to combine the two and leverage social media to your advantage.

About The Desire Company

With honest advice mattering more than ever, consumers seek brands they can trust. Trust is hard to come by, and consumers don’t believe many influencers use the products they hype. The Desire Company’s goal is to provide your potential customers with honest advice and unscripted truth. They use real experts who know and regularly use your products. The Desire Co. is more than just a creative agency or video production company—The Desire Company is a complete product education solution that combines content strategy, expert vetting, and matching with their vast Pro Community, video embed technology, and media distribution. The videos offer qualified opinions and truthful feedback, helping to give your products the necessary authenticity to stand out while connecting with your audience.

Partner with The Desire Company for a holiday push at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3QqqJF7

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