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Horizon Zero Dawn is one of the best action role video games for PlayStation 4. It is developed by Guerrilla Games for potential players to enjoy by finding everything in the game. However, discovering everything in Horizon Zero Dawn can prove to be a challenging task. It is especially daunting because it can support gamers to boost their abilities and become strong enough to defeat any growing robot nemesis.  Although one option to level up character’s skills is through obtaining Metal Flowers, the better option to efficiently boost the character’s gear is to obtain the elusive Banuk Figures.

The Banuk Figures are present in the form of small Grazers and a total of six figures available within the Horizon Zero Dawn. These items are usually made out of straw, fabric, and sticks, and every figure will need gamers to travel a little distance up different mountains to locate Banuk Figures. Such items are believed to be developed by Arnak, the legendary Banuk Hunter, who was banished for eliminating his leader. These figures were made as a message to Arnak’s son, Tektuk, and placed in various regions to remind Tektuk of his home. Each item can be found amongst geometric paintings that Arnak crafted.

The main difference between the Metal Flower and the Banuk Figures is the number of bonuses. The Banu figures offer gamers twice the gifts than the Metal Flowers, making them the best option in attaining and levelling up the gear. So, to find each figure, gamers must buy the map from the merchant next to the Main Embrace gate. The map will cost one rich meat, eight metal shards, and one fatty meat. Conversely, the map does not help to show the accurate figure locations, but it is still useful to have one on hand. In the game, each figure is divided up and recognized by various names. This makes it convenient for gamers to find each figure in the game.

Horizon Zero Dawn: My Claim

Initially, players will need to head northeast and visit Devil’s Thirst Camp to find the first Banuk figure. Leave the camp and move up the mountain until you find Banuk painting along the walls. The painting will help gamers to locate the exact place to climb up. The area to climb up can be daunting to spot around here, but once you found, it will not take gamers to reach the peak of the mountain. Finally, gamers will locate the first Banuk figure waiting to be gathered.

Horizon Zero Dawn: I Name You

The next figure is placed in the northwest of Hunter’s Gathering. When looking for this Banuk figure, it is essential to move toward the figure’s place from the town itself. The town works in the game as an anchor point in finding this banuk figure. Head to the north-west corner of the town and climb the pole.

After reaching the top, players will need to climb the wall until they are on their feet again.  Head past the zipline at the mountain to keep going up. It is a long mounting, and a few sections will consume a longer time than others. Gamers will then head around the mountainside and complete the climbing. Once reached, you will find yourself standing next to the Banuk figure in the game.

Horizon Zero Dawn: Punishment

This figure is located near the Banuk Encampment. Players will initially need to head northeastern part of the map and then head over the Banuk encampment. Now, you will spot the snowy cliffs were a significant artwork placed on the rocks. At last, use the painting to figure out the way for climbing up and collect the Banuk Figure.

Horizon Zero Dawn: I Cannot Confess

For this Banuk Figure, gamers should move back to the Meridian. The better option for gamers to begin would be campfire present to the west of Meridian. On the top of the cliff, you will find the campfire, so make sure to move towards the Banuk at a snail’s pace. By moving this way carefully, gamers can easily reach the top and collect a Banuk figure.

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Vision

To find this Banuk figure: The Vision, players will need to move either northwest of Rustwash Tellneck or south of Sunfall. The in-game item is located between the campfire south of Sunfall and Valley of Omens. Go Down the path past Broeadhead’s and Trampler areas. From there, gamers will spot numerous rocks and a pole that is marked by the artwork. Climb to the peak of the pole and obtain the Banuk Figure.

Horizon Zero Dawn: Mother

In the game, finding the Mother Banuk Figure is quite daunting. The only fastest and best way to locate it is by using the map. Head straight to the Pitchcliff and move towards the nearest campfire. There are plenty of enemies in the region, so stay alert as you come close to the cliffs. After that, you will spot several socks on some mountains that have the artwork. If gamers successfully climb up and the banuk figure can be located to the right.

Ava Williams is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding mcafee.com/activate and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

Source url:- https://williamsblogpoint.wordpress.com/2020/02/07/horizon-zero-dawn-guide-to-find-six-banuk-figures/