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The age of a horse is a vital piece of information for horse owners, breeders, and veterinarians. While there are various methods to estimate horse age, one of the most reliable and accurate approaches is examining the teeth. Horse teeth provide valuable clues about their age and development. 
In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Horse dental, exploring how horse age can be determined through dental examination and providing insights into the importance of understanding horse age for their care and well-being.

Determining the Basics of Horse Teeth:

To comprehend how teeth can reveal a horse's age, it is essential to understand the basics of horse teeth. We will explore the different types of teeth in a horse's mouth, including incisors, canines, premolars, and molars, and discuss how they change over time.


Incisors are the front teeth located in the front of the horse's mouth. They are used primarily for grasping and cutting grass and other forage. Horses have a total of 12 incisors, six in the upper jaw and six in the lower jaw. 
These teeth are typically the easiest to see and examine.
Baby Incisors: At birth, foals have deciduous (baby) incisors that are temporary and will eventually be replaced by permanent incisors. They erupt within the first few weeks after birth.

Permanent Incisors: 

As the foal grows, the deciduous incisors are gradually replaced by permanent incisors. The first set of permanent incisors (central incisors) usually emerges around 2.5 years of age, followed by intermediate incisors around 3.5 years, and corner incisors around 4.5 years. These teeth wear down and change in appearance over time, helping to determine the horse's age.

Canines (Tusks):

Canines are present in some male horses, but they are typically absent in mares. These teeth are elongated and pointed and are located between the incisors and premolars. Canines are vestigial teeth and serve little to no functional purpose in modern domesticated horses. In some cases, these teeth can be removed for safety reasons, especially in stallions, to avoid injury during aggressive interactions.

Premolars and 4. Molars:

Premolars and molars are located towards the back of the horse's mouth and are essential for grinding and crushing food. Horses have a total of 24 premolars and molars, 12 in the upper jaw and 12 in the lower jaw.

Deciduous Premolars: 

Like incisors, foals are born with deciduous premolars, which are temporary teeth that are replaced by permanent teeth as the horse matures.

Permanent Premolars and Molars: 

The deciduous premolars are replaced by permanent premolars, and additional molars also emerge as the horse grows older. As with incisors, the wear patterns, eruption, and appearance of premolars and molars help determine the horse's age.

How Teeth Change Over Time:

Throughout a horse's life, its teeth undergo changes due to wear and aging. The occlusal (biting) surfaces of the teeth continuously grind against each other as the horse chews its food. This wear causes the shape of the teeth to change, and in the case of incisors, the dental cups and dental stars that we discussed in the previous response become more pronounced with age.
Additionally, the angle at which the teeth meet (the angle of incidence) changes as the horse matures. Young horses have more acute angles, while older horses have more obtuse angles.
As horses age, their teeth continue to erupt from the gums to compensate for the wear. However, this continuous eruption has a limited lifespan, and eventually, the teeth become worn down to the point where they are no longer effective for efficient grinding. 
This process can lead to dental issues in older horses and may require special management, such as appropriate dental care and modifications to their diet.

Dental Development in Canine Teeth:

The dental journey of a horse begins at birth. We will examine the eruption of deciduous (baby) teeth and their replacement by permanent teeth. Understanding the specific dental milestones in foals is crucial for estimating their age accurately.

Eruption of Deciduous (Baby) Teeth:

Horses are born with deciduous teeth that start to erupt shortly after birth. These deciduous teeth are temporary and will eventually be replaced by permanent teeth as the horse grows. The eruption of deciduous teeth follows a specific pattern and timeline.

Deciduous Incisors: 

Foals typically have six deciduous incisors in both the upper and lower jaws. The central incisors are the first to erupt, usually within the first week after birth. The intermediate incisors usually erupt within the first month, and the corner incisors follow, typically appearing within the first two months.
Horse Age to Human Age

Deciduous Premolars: 

Foals also have deciduous premolars, which are temporary teeth located toward the back of the mouth. The deciduous premolars erupt in a specific order and timeline, similar to the permanent premolars that will later replace them.

Replacement by Permanent Teeth:

As the foal grows and matures, the deciduous teeth gradually wear down due to chewing and biting activities. The eruption of permanent teeth coincides with the shedding of the deciduous teeth.

Shedding of Deciduous Incisors: 

The deciduous incisors start to shed as the permanent incisors push their way up from the gums. The shedding process typically begins when the foal is around 2.5 years old. The central incisors are the first to be replaced, followed by the intermediate and corner incisors at specific intervals.

Shedding of Deciduous Premolars: 

Similar to the incisors, the deciduous premolars also begin to shed as the permanent premolars emerge. The timing of shedding and eruption of permanent premolars varies depending on the specific tooth and the horse's individual development.

Eruption of Permanent Incisors and Premolars: 

The permanent incisors and premolars continue to erupt from the gums as the deciduous teeth shed. The eruption of permanent incisors begins with the central incisors and progresses to the intermediates and corners over time. The permanent premolars also emerge in a specific sequence.

Aging Indicators in Permanent Teeth:

As horses mature, their permanent teeth undergo characteristic changes that provide valuable age-related indicators. We will explore the emergence of permanent incisors, the formation of dental cups and dental stars, and other notable features that help determine the age of older horses.

Emergence of Permanent Incisors:

Horses, like many other mammals, have two sets of teeth during their lifetime: deciduous (baby) teeth and permanent teeth. Deciduous incisors start erupting shortly after birth and are gradually replaced by permanent incisors as the horse matures.
Horses have three types of permanent incisors: central incisors, intermediate incisors, and corner incisors. The emergence and wear patterns of these incisors are used to estimate a horse's age.

Formation of Dental Cups:

When a permanent incisor erupts, it has a distinct cup-like depression on its occlusal (biting) surface. This depression is called a dental cup. As the horse chews and grinds food over time, the dental cup wears down and eventually disappears.
The formation and disappearance of dental cups are used to age horses up to around 9 years old. The cups appear deep and distinct in younger horses and gradually become shallower with age. By examining the depth of the cups and the presence of wear on the incisors, experts can estimate the horse's age within a certain range.

Development of Dental Stars:

As a horse ages further, usually beyond 9 years old, a new dental feature called dental stars starts to appear. Dental stars are small, enamel-infused cracks that develop on the occlusal surface of the incisors. 
These stars result from the constant chewing and wear on the teeth.
Similar to dental cups, dental stars become more evident and pronounced as the horse gets older. The pattern and appearance of these stars help veterinarians and equine dental specialists estimate the age of the horse with greater accuracy.

Dental Examination Techniques:

Veterinarians and horse dental professionals employ specific techniques to evaluate horse teeth accurately. We will discuss the process of dental examination, including palpation, visual inspection, and the use of dental tools, to identify age-related dental characteristics.
Let's discuss each step of the process:


Palpation is the initial step in the dental examination process. The veterinarian or equine dental specialist uses their hands and fingers to feel the external structures of the horse's head and jaw to detect any abnormalities or asymmetries. This includes feeling for any swellings, irregularities, or areas of discomfort around the jaw, cheekbones, and facial bones.
Palpation also helps assess the overall muscle condition and tension in the head and jaw area. Abnormalities in muscle tone and sensitivity can indicate dental issues or potential problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is responsible for jaw movement.

Visual Inspection:

The visual inspection follows palpation and involves a thorough examination of the horse's mouth. This examination is typically performed using a speculum, a specialized device that holds the horse's mouth open to provide a clear view of the oral cavity. 
The speculum also ensures the safety of both the horse and the examiner during the procedure.
During the visual inspection, the examiner examines various dental features, including:


The examiner looks at the appearance, wear patterns, and presence of dental cups and stars on the incisors to estimate the horse's age.

Premolars and Molars: 

The condition and wear of these teeth are assessed to identify any dental issues, such as sharp points or uneven wear.

Gum Health: 

The color and condition of the gums are checked for signs of inflammation, infection, or other oral health problems.

Cheek Teeth (Premolars and Molars): 

The examiner inspects the cheeks and cheeks teeth for signs of sharp points, hooks, ramps, and other dental abnormalities.

Use of Dental Tools:

To address any dental issues found during the visual inspection, dental tools are used to perform corrective procedures. Some common dental tools include:

Dental Float: 

A dental float is a specialized instrument used to file down sharp points, hooks, and uneven surfaces on the cheek teeth. This process is known as floating and helps maintain a proper occlusal surface for effective grinding of food.

Dental Picks and Probes: 

These tools are used to explore and assess the integrity of individual teeth, detect any dental abnormalities, and examine the presence of dental stars or other age-related characteristics.
By combining palpation, visual inspection, and the use of dental tools, equine dental specialists and veterinarians can gain valuable insights into the horse's dental health, identify age-related dental features, and address any dental issues promptly. Regular dental examinations are essential to maintaining the horse's oral health and overall well-being, as well as optimizing its ability to eat, chew, and digest food effectively.

Matchup Dental Findings with Age:

By comparing the dental findings with established age-related patterns, we can accurately estimate a horse's age. We will outline the guidelines and criteria used to correlate dental features with specific age ranges, empowering horse owners and caretakers to determine the age of their horse companions.

Birth to 1 Year:

Deciduous Incisors: 

At birth, foals typically have six deciduous incisors in both the upper and lower jaws. The central incisors erupt within the first week, intermediate incisors within the first month, and corner incisors within the first two months.

2 to 2.5 Years:

Permanent Incisors: 

The first set of permanent incisors, the central incisors, usually emerge around 2.5 years of age. The appearance of permanent incisors indicates that the horse is transitioning from being a foal to a young horse.

3 to 3.5 Years:

Permanent Incisors: 

The intermediate incisors usually erupt around 3.5 years of age. At this stage, the horse has all three sets of permanent incisors (central, intermediate, and corner).

4 to 4.5 Years:

Permanent Incisors: 

The corner incisors usually erupt around 4.5 years of age. At this point, the horse has all permanent incisors fully erupted, but they may still have visible dental cups and show limited wear.

5 to 9 Years:

Dental Cups and Wear: 

From 5 to 9 years of age, the horse's incisors will exhibit dental cups that gradually wear down with time. The wear patterns on incisors will become more evident, and the cups start to disappear.

9 to 15 Years:

Dental Stars: 

Around 9 years old, dental stars begin to appear on the occlusal surfaces of the incisors. These enamel-infused cracks become more pronounced with age.

10 to 20 Years:

Galvayne's Groove: 

At around 10 years old, a vertical groove, known as Galvayne's groove, appears on the upper corner incisor. It starts at the gum line and extends downward. It reaches halfway down the tooth around 20 years of age and then recedes over time.

Beyond 20 Years:

The angle of Incidence: 

As the horse ages further, the angle at which the incisors meet changes. Older horses have a more obtuse angle of incidence compared to younger horses.
It's important to remember that these age ranges and dental features are general guidelines, and individual horses may show variations. 
Additionally, dental features alone may not provide a precise age determination, especially in older horses. Combining dental examination with other age indicators, such as documented birth dates or specific skeletal examinations, can yield more accurate estimations of a horse's age.


Horse age determination through dental examination is a reliable and informative technique that aids in responsible horse management. By understanding the intricacies of equine dentition and the age-related changes in horse teeth, we can accurately estimate a horse's age and provide appropriate care and veterinary attention. 
Equipped with this knowledge, horse owners and enthusiasts can better appreciate the journey of their equine companions and ensure their overall health and well-being throughout their lives.