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Hotel Booking App Development 2022- Complete Guide To MVP Features, App Types, And Development Phases

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We cannot deny the success of big players in the e-travel industry like Airbnb, Booking.com, etc. These brands have helped the travel industry to witness massive growth. They have contributed to the hospitality sector. Hence a lot of professionals from the hospitality industry are looking forward to building an on-demand hotel booking app. Apart from this a lot of start-ups and businesses are also joining the race.

If you are one of them to enter the hospitality sector with an effective app, then this blog would help you learn the process and different aspects related to online hotel booking app development. Also, you will learn about the essential features, different types of hotel apps, monetization strategies, etc

Big Players in Travel Industry reaping the benefits of Booking App Domain :

  • Airbnb
  • Hopper
  • Booking.com
  • Expedia
  • Hilton Honors
  • Priceline

Points To Consider Before Starting With Hotel Booking App Development

A lot of things need to be considered before you dive into the hotel booking app development process.

1. Pick the Booking App Type

OTAs (online travel agencies)

These services comprise multiple booking features like car rental, hotels, flight tickets, etc. Some of the examples using this app type are KAYAK, Trip.com, Hopper

Hotel aggregators

The main objective of these apps is to collect hotel data and make it available for the users. For example, Hotels.com, TripAdvisor, Booking.com, etc

Hotel chain apps

The booking app is built for a particular hotel/chain of hotels and facilitates room booking only within that chain. For example Marriott Rewards and Hilton Honors

The app types you select solely depend on your business goals.

2. Pick a Service Area

It is one of the most crucial factors to be considered before starting with on-demand service booking app development. Make sure you launch your app across the world rather than just targeting a local market. Well, it would take time and considerable investment too to attain profitability at a global level.

To start with you can cut down the cost and time by targeting the local market. It will help you test your app and how it works in the market

3. Exclusive Value Proposition To Plan For The Users

To attract users' attention, it is important to choose appropriate positioning & value proposition. Now, if you are thinking about how to build a booking app and get successful in that domain, then you need to identify the UVP. Some of the models used in this domain are

  • Last-minute booking deals
  • Cheap booking options.
  • An apartment rental or Room sharing
  • Free stays
  • Short stays

4. Where Does The Hotel Data Is Extracted From?

When it comes to on-demand hotel booking app, data plays a crucial role. The data is about hotel listings wherein users can choose a particular hotel they wish to stay in. Well, users always want different options on the app while booking hotels. So, it is important to think about where can you get the necessary data from.

For instance, big players like Booking.com sign an agreement with the hotels. Next, they deploy their app at those hotels to track the availability and other aspects. This is how plenty of aggregators fetch and manage the ongoing fresh booking options. It is not easy as it sounds. The process includes countless APIs offering access to different hotel listings and criteria. Let us have a look at the trending APIs used for hotel ratings, bookings, search

Amadeus APIs.

These APIs allow users to view, consider and book hotels from across 300,000 hotels worldwide

Saber APIs.

These APIs allow shopping & booking competitive rates, fetching reservation data, and managing profile data.

Travelport APIs.

These APIs offer you completely featured exchanges to communicate hotel search and establish your hotel booking app. The users are allowed to search for hotels accessibility, details, image, and assessment.

Zodomus APIs.

These APIs connect booking suppliers and OTA travel for example Booking.com, Expedia, Airbnb, etc

Some added APIs that you need to integrate informative content to the travel application is

  • Google Places API.
  • izi.TRAVEL.
  • Google Maps API
  • Uber API.
  • In-app payments gateway integration

5. Admin Panel


Admin panel is necessary for seamless functioning of any web or mobile app. Similarly, it is vital for hotel apps, OTAs and aggregators too. So, an effective admin panel is required for your hotel booking mobile application or web app. You need to have a user-friendly admin panel for the smooth functioning of your app

MVP Features to Integrate into your Hotel Booking App

  • Sign Up
  • Accommodation Booking Screen
  • Search Flow
  • Accommodation Details Screen
  • Booking a Stay and Paying a Bill
  • Cancellation Policy

Advanced MVP Features for your Hotel Booking App

  • User Profiles
  • Accommodation Price and Availability Forecasting
  • Recommendation Engine
  • Smart Travel Assistant
  • In-App Messenger
  • Automatic Language Detection and Currency Exchange
  • Convenient Push Notifications

Step By Step Process To Build a Hotel Booking App

  1. Perform in-depth online travel market analysis
  2. Select the right type of hotel booking app.
  3. Make a list of your competitors for your hotel booking application
  4. Identify the service area for your app
  5. Determine your UVP (Unique Value Proposition)
  6. Note down the MVP features for your app
  7. Make a list of extra features to be added to your app
  8. Search and hire a hotel booking app development company with vast experience in the hospitality sector.
  9. Discuss your business goals and desired results
  10. Monitor the app development process at the beginning
  11. Schedule meetings with your app development company to ensure they have understood your vision and can deliver results as per your expectations
  12. Create and run a marketing plan if required
  13. Release the hotel booking app on target markets.
  14. Gather feedback and integrate fresh features.


The development of a hotel booking app is a creative and time-consuming process that needs the contribution of devoted experts and expertise.

At Apps On Demand, we offer enterprise-grade custom and white label hotel app development solutions that help hotels manage different parameters like comfort level, availability, and affordability. We offer solutions for creating a hotel booking mobile application that stands out from the crowd. Get in touch with us to share your business vision and know hotel booking app development costs for your app project.

| Read Original Blog Here: On Demand Hotel Booking App Development Company


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