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A water conditioning system helps to protect your plumbing systems from mineral build-up. It can also help you save money on cleaning products and appliances, as well as having healthier skin and hair.

Water conditioners work by changing the chemistry of hardness minerals to prevent them from forming scale. Different types of water conditioners use a range of technologies to do this. These include electrically induced precipitation, electrochemical water treatment, and template-assisted crystallization.

Traditional salt-based water softeners use a process called ion exchange to remove minerals from water. They have a mineral tank loaded with resin that the hardness minerals stick to, and they're refilled with salt solution regularly. When the resin is covered with hardness minerals, it needs to be “regenerated,” and this process uses up lots of salt, wastes water, and adds to your utility bills.

Salt-free water softeners are the best options for homeowners who want to avoid the costs and hassle of salt-based systems. These systems usually have a sediment filter that needs to be replaced periodically. They don't eliminate all hardness minerals, but they do reduce scale buildup significantly.

Water conditioning systems that are designed to treat an entire house must be installed close to the water main, and they often require electrical rerouting and power installation as well. It's best to hire Payne Plumbing & Heating LLC for this type of installation. Get free, no-commitment project estimates from pros near you.


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