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Access management is an important part of managing business security. Access control and authentication are two key elements that help protect data from unauthorized access by users, systems, or even humans. In this article, we'll look at how access management can help improve your business security.

Access management can help improve business security

Access management can help improve business security. Access management is the process of managing access to computer systems, networks, and data. Without access management in place, an attacker could easily use your network or any other shared resources for their own gain. This includes stealing information from your servers or even destroying them completely.

Access management is a critical part of any security strategy because it controls who has access to what resources. In other words: if you don't know who's on your system at any given moment—or if someone doesn't have proper permissions—you won't be able to do anything with them until they're removed from the system (or until someone else does something about it).

Understand your security needs

When you’re assessing your security needs, it’s important to understand what you need to protect. For example, if you have sensitive customer data that needs protection from hackers, then access management can help secure that information.

In addition to understanding the risks and consequences of not having a strong security strategy in place (of course), it's also important for businesses of all sizes—especially those with highly confidential information—to know how much they can expect from their current systems or solutions while they're looking into ways of improving them.

Allocate and prioritize access levels

For managing access, determine what level of access you will grant to your employees and business partners. This can be done by creating different levels for individual users, groups, or devices.

For example:

  • Individual users have one set of permissions per app; for example, if the user has read-only access for an app and write-only access for another app (the latter being more powerful than its counterpart), then those two permissions are considered separate from one another.
  • Groups have all permissions granted at once; so if you want all users within your organization who work in sales reports every week but do not have administrative powers over any other aspects of their job except routing calls through voicemail systems—then they would only need one set of permissions granted on top of their existing roles within IT departments like network admins or help desk representatives who need extra freedom when dealing with technical issues outside their normal duties as well.

Know who's in charge of what

To start, you need to know who is responsible for what. This can be as simple as assigning access privileges based on a person's role or department. The more granular you get with this kind of structure, the better; if it's not clear who has what access level and why they have them, then there will be confusion when it comes time to revoke access.

You also need to have a documented process for requesting access (and granting it), which includes how long someone must wait before being approved again–and what happens if requests are denied? Your organization should maintain detailed records of who gets what type of information at any given time so that everyone knows exactly where they stand with regard to security policies in place within your company overall.

Build authentication into your security system

Authentication is the process of verifying your identity. By building authentication into your security system, you can ensure that only authorized users have access to the information they need.

Authentication methods include:

  • Two-factor authentication (2FA) is when a user must provide two different forms of identification—a password and an additional piece of personal information, such as a code sent via text message or app—to log in. This prevents unauthorized parties from accessing corporate data without first being identified as an employee or customer.
  • One-time password (OTP) tokens are similar to 2FA but don't require users to remember passwords; instead they're used when they visit a website with third-party applications installed on their devices like banking apps and email clients. The OTP token generates unique codes that can be used once per session until its expiration date has passed; afterward it must be renewed through another method such as calling customer service or entering another secret phrase into an automated phone line interface at which point the system will prompt users again for verification information before granting access again.

Enforce all security policies thoroughly but evenly

Ensuring your company's security is to enforce all of its policies thoroughly but evenly. Don't be a nazi about it; don't let people get away with breaking the rules, even if they think it's okay for them or their colleagues. If you see someone doing something that violates a policy, discipline them. It's important to keep in mind that there are different levels of punishment for different types of infractions. If someone is stealing from your company, you may want to consider calling the police and filing a report. But if they're simply violating one of your policies, it's probably best for you to handle the situation yourself.

Get a handle on how all of your devices are connected to your network

The first step in preparing for an access management program is getting a handle on how all of your devices are connected to your network.

This can be done in a few ways:

  • Use a third-party security solution. They offer several products that allow you to monitor and control access from anywhere on the web or via email, SMS text messages or call center automation systems.
  • Install software on each device in order to know what type of connection it has (wired or wireless) and whether it has been compromised by malware or hackers before—you wouldn't want someone accessing files from your laptop if they'd already broken into another computer!

Use encryption whenever possible especially for wireless devices or transmission methods

Encryption is a method of protecting data from being read by unauthorized parties. It can be used for both data and voice traffic, but it's most commonly seen in the form of WiFi security.

Encryption works by scrambling your data so that only those with access to the correct key can decrypt it. This means that even if someone steals your laptop or smartphone and finds its password, they won't be able to use it unless they also have access to their own encryption key—which is nearly impossible!

Encryption is an important aspect of digital security, and it's a good idea to use some form of encryption on all your devices. 


The most important thing to remember is that access management isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a tool—one that can be used effectively in many different situations and by different people with different needs to keep your business secure. The key is to understand what your goals are and then look for ways that access management can help you reach them.