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When a divorced individual thinks about starting a new family, especially; when both partners already have children, the union may present problems. Many challenges may appear when both families blend. 


So, in this article, we will help you understand how a family mediation service can get your family blended. Also, we will enlighten you on what you need to consider and plan for in the process. 


After all, the goal of family conciliation in Winnipeg is finding a strategy for future communication, defining expectations, a greater understanding, and schedules or timelines for responsibilities made.


So let us begin without further delay… 


But First, What Do We Mean By A Blended Family? 


A blended family is a family that contains two or more children. And at least one of the children is biological, and the other could be from the previous marriage of either of the spouses. Thus, at least one is the stepchild of either partner in the couple.


Resultantly, as a remarried couple, they must have a strong foundation of trust and transmission to ease the challenges that occur from both families. 


This will lead to a better understanding amongst family members,  marriage satisfaction, relationship stability, and ultimately a loving and well-adjusted family. Therefore, both families need to engage in putting in the time and taking the actions necessary to get there.


What Challenges Confront Blended Families? 


As most of the families blend, some members hold on to their problems as well. And it takes time until all family members are adjusted to living as a blended family. But the first two years could be the toughest. 


This is the required time you need to get used to living under one roof with the new family. Also, to build and strengthen family relationships. Thus during these two years, both families need to establish new family rules and boundaries since everyone is still getting to know each other.


On the other hand, your former partner can go through a tough time. They could be feeling angry, doubtful, upset, or worried about the change. And you will need to accommodate a solution to make everything good. 


Thus, the skills of a good mediator are required to fit with your new family arrangements and formal family. Therefore, you must find the best mediation and restorative services, like Mediation Services. 


Tips To Strengthen Your Blended Family Bonds: 


There are some methods or techniques you can use as a member of a blended family to toughen the family bond and to make sure everyone is understanding each other. 


Thus, this section will assist you with methods that boost your family ties: 


Handle Divorce First 


You need to know that you must not leave any matter without solvation. You need to handle the divorce correctly since it can impact the success of your future relationships.  


You must work on the unresolved issues and emotions. So you don't bring them to the new relationship because it will create challenges. 


In this regard, the best thing you can do is to hire the skill of a good mediator. They will assist you in solving a variety of conflicts and challenges, including parent-teen conflict, adult-sibling conflict, co-parenting issues, etc. 


Construct Your Parenting Plan 


Another tip is to start creating a parenting plan with your partner. To discuss and agree on discipline, rules, manners, parenting/step-parenting roles. 


And these rules must be agreed from on by all family members. Also, everyone must know the consequences of rule-breaking so that they respect the rules.


Consider Children Priority 


As a blended family, you must consider what is right for your children and step-children. The initial priority is continuing to have a strong relationship with them.


It will be hard, but you need to pay equal attention to children, check what's bothering them, and provide solutions. So they don’t feel replaced during the transition.


You also need to talk to them and let them know your intentions before remarrying. They must feel engaged and know what they will go through. And ensure they are able to voice out their issues and that you are responsive to their concerns. 


Lastly, they will start adjusting at their own pace or whenever they feel comfortable. Children are sensitive; they will take time to develop a relationship with a new family member. You have to give them space and time.


Make Quality Time For Your Blended Family 


Having quality time with your family will ensure their needs are fulfilled. Also, each parent must know what will comfort them and their children. 


Thus, this collective effort will continue to develop strength and trust between the family members. And getting professional support is required – The help of coaching mediation will make your transition period smoother.




Blending families could be very hard on both parents and children. So there are some important factors to understand. You must give time until everything turns out perfect by itself. However, you must plan how to create a collective parenting strategy to set up family manners and concepts. 


In the end, both parents must provide guidance to each other and their children by hiring mediation experts. These professionals have the experience and solution to a variety of family conflicts.