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How Businesses in Dubai Can Benefit from SEO Blogging

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How Businesses in Dubai Can Benefit from SEO Blogging

In a race, you play by the rules, right?

Similarly, to stand out, you must play by Google’s rules.

Google has about 85% of the search engine market, as per Statistical. I know digital marketing can be fascinating and, at the same time, intimidating. Despite that, let’s discuss how you can stand out with SEO blogging.

What Exactly is SEO?

By this year alone, Google will receive about 943 billion searches, according to Internet Live Stats. How do you rank so you get more traffic to your website?

It simply comes down to SEO. Get a clear idea of exactly what SEO is.

The complete form of SEO is search engine optimization. In simple terms, it means the tactics used to increase or improve the visibility of your website or webpage. It can be through designing, writing, and coding to enhance traffic to your site from people using search engines.

If you want SEO expert tips, hire an SEO agency, Mighty Warner, to help you.

Does Blogging Help SEO?

The question of does Blogging help SEO is yes! You need quality and quantity of content, backlinks, the use of the right keywords, etc., to get the benefits. However, ranking at the top can be tricky, so you can opt for the best digital marketing company in Dubai, Mighty Warner.

You see why Blogging helps SEO because it shows your potential customers that your site has the answer to what they are looking for. This way, you will garner more traffic to your web page.

How Does Blogging Improve SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)?

Here are some essential factors to consider to rank higher on the search engine results page. There are:

1. Add Fresh Content

Hubspot announces that updating and republishing old blogs with new content and images can increase organic traffic by as much as 106%. 

Writing for Google means writing for customers. Create relevant content for your site to encourage a crawl of traffic from your viewers. The SERPs look for content that is updated. So, update your sites with new blogs, thus allowing you to stand out from places that don’t upload new content.

2. Inbound Link/ Backlink

Getting backlinks from respected websites shows the usefulness and authenticity of your content. So, pay attention to backlinks because they are an excellent way to help search engines understand your content's relevancy and authority.

3. Keywords

Keywords mean well-researched and inserting relevant keywords in your blogs increases your chances of ranking higher in the SERPs. Search Engine Journal mentions that about 49 percent of marketers say that organic search has the best ROI of any marketing channel. It is because inserting quality keywords means quality content with a higher chance of getting a good deal or return on Investment later on.

The Factors That Affect Your SEO( Search Engine Optimisation)

Backlinko says that Google’s search algorithm uses more than 200 factors to rank websites. Well, trying to keep up with changing algorithms is not an easy task. I know pinpointing what algorithm they use to rank a website is hard when you are clueless about it.

You can feel like you are racing against time and like you are old-school. However, here are a few factors that affect your Search Engine Optimisation. There are:

1. How Long Do Your Readers Spend On Your Content

It means the amount of time a reader spends on your blog. The longer spending hours means, the more relevant the information is.

Grabbing their attention ensures a good user experience and a short reading time. So, following the SEO strategy starts with a catchy title, fast loading speed, quality images, meta tags, and data.

If you find it hard, contact the best SEO company in Dubai, Mighty Warner.

2. The Responsiveness Is Your Website

I am sure you don’t want to click on a site that needs pinching in and out just to read the information. Pathetic right?

If your website is like that, you need a Dubai UX/UI design company. The thumb rule is to optimize your website for the responsiveness of all devices. Google mentioned that about 76 percent of people visit the business website through mobile. Keep your web page responsive to all devices to increase traffic and revenues.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Blogging

  • Avoid overstuffing keywords.
  • Do some keyword research and use them wisely in your content.
  • Keep in mind the other aspects of SEO like meta tags, tite, etc.
  • Promote the blogs you have written on your social media channels to gain more traffic to your site.


  1. How often should I do Blogging?

If you want to see the real benefits of SEO, go ahead with it 2-3 times or 4-5 times a week. A side note is you don’t have to do lengthy blogs. You can go with short blogs to gain more traffics.

2. Do blogs help with Google searches?

Yes. All those blogs you publish allow your readers to subscribe immediately or later. Also, you have a high chance of gaining more organic traffic from your readers.

3. What are the disadvantages of Blogging that I should know?

  • You may invest your time and efforts into it but may only get no results.
  • It needs consistency, not just passion.
  • Doing in the wrong way can end up losing more customers than expected.


To conclude, businesses in Dubai need to know about the benefits Blogging can do for their businesses. However, it is a challenging task, so you immediately contact the best SEO agency in Dubai.

Contact the team of experts from Mighty Warner today! Get their help to gain traffic and revenues triple by depending on their skilled SEO team. Moreover, they also offer different digital marketing services.

For more information, call them or click the link below.



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