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Are you looking for ways your brand can save money while still connecting with and educating your potential customers? Consider partnering with a promotional video production company that creates content featuring experts. This content can help you save money in several ways, from managing expectations to preventing the vampire effect. What can your brand do with this content to save money?

How-To Videos Clearly Explain Your Product

If a potential customer doesn’t understand your product or how to use it properly, they may skip over it in favor of something more straightforward. Worse, they might buy and return it, thinking it does something that it doesn’t. With a full product education platform or explainer video production company, you can create content that helps demonstrate your product. Find a company that will pair your product with an expert in the industry. This expert can illustrate clearly and authoritatively how to use your product. They know the use cases, the tips and tricks, and how to make the most of your product. A simple QR code at the point of purchase can lead customers to these videos, explaining how to use it on the spot and helping customers make informed decisions.

Reviews Manage Expectations

Another way to manage expectations is through reviews. Experts can give unscripted, qualified reviews. A professional chef can provide a better kitchenware review than a typical home cook. They have years of experience in the industry and can compare similar products while explaining the uses and benefits of your product. In today’s retail landscape, there is a sea of reviews created by bots combined with misinformation. These fake reviews and misinformation can mislead customers, which leads to more returns. Combating these false reviews is essential.

Reduce the Number of Returns

Speaking of returns, the rising cost of returns can make a major dent in your company’s profits. Anything you can do to reduce the number of returns helps you save money. Creating expert-led content means connecting with an audience and building brand loyalty. It means giving them qualified reviews and expert advice on how, when, and why to use your product. Don’t be afraid to show both the pros and cons in these videos, as these can help customers decide if your product is right for them. If they go with another product, you aren’t losing or making money. If they return a purchase without seeing these videos, you lose money on that return.

Preventing the Vampire Effect

Some brands try to use celebrities in their content. However, this can lead to the vampire effect, where the customer remembers the celebrity but not the product. A celebrity can drive sales by raising awareness about the product, but it’s still not optimal and can instead cost money in advertising. Instead, having an expert teach a celebrity how to use your product can harness star power and educate your customer base, providing them with deeper insights into your product with first-hand knowledge of features and use cases from the expert.

About The Desire Company

The Desire Company is poised to help your brand move beyond the standard product endorsements by celebrities, paid influencers, and fake experts. A crucial aspect of building genuine brand loyalty is establishing trust with potential consumers. In today’s digital marketplace, brand loyalty and trust are essential for success. With the FTC cracking down on fake reviews and the declining influence of celebrities and paid influencers, consumers are showing that they value helpful feedback and honest advice from reputable sources more than ever. More than just a video production company or creative agency, The Desire Company serves as a comprehensive product education platform. The team matches your products with their Pro Community, utilizing content strategy, expert vetting, video embed technology, and multi-channel media distribution to inform, not influence.

Learn how The Desire Company can help your brand save money and inform customers at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3RfEcRo

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