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How Can Homeopathy for High Blood Pressure Treatment Help?

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During the present times of high competition among children & youth, deteriorating food quality, and increased stress in private life and workplaces, people are getting more prone to heart disorders like high blood pressure. Homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure offer complete and sustained relief in this condition. Today, one can easily get the Best Homeopathic Medicine For High Blood Pressure online after consulting with a qualified Homeopathic doctor.

High BP or Hypertension Vs. Homeopathy

The heart pumps blood to all the body parts via the blood vessels, the arteries, the veins, the capillaries, and the venules. During the whole process, the pressure exerted on the walls of these blood vessels is called blood pressure.

The normal blood pressure remains under 120/80 mmHg. The number on the top denotes systolic (contraction phase of the heart) blood pressure, and the lower value is called diastolic (the relaxation phase) blood pressure. When there is a persistent increase in this level, the person is known to suffer from clinical hypertension or high blood pressure.

A good Homeopathic consultant goes through the case of a patient and gives them individualized and the Best Homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure. Unlike conventional medication, Homeopathy for high blood pressure treatment does not cause severe side effects.

Grades of High BP

Choosing the best Homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure in a patient requires understanding the grade of hypertension. Once established, the doctors can choose the right medicine for the given patient. 

Normal BP:  Less than or equal to 120/80 mmHg

Elevated BP: 120/80-128/80 mmHg

Stage 1 Hypertension: 130/80–139/89 mm Hg

Stage 2 Hypertension: 140/90 mm Hg or more

It's worth noting that early diagnosis and timely treatment are critical for the effectiveness of Homeopathy for High Blood Pressure treatment. Moreover, Homeopathy for high blood pressure treatment is the ideal choice, as it stops the disease from progressing to its advanced stages, like the hypertensive crisis. 

Types of High BP

The following are two types of high blood pressure:

Essential High BP: About 85-90% of individuals fall into this type. This can be caused as a result of hereditary factors and irregular lifestyles. Other factors like stress, excessive salt intake, obesity, smoking, etc., can raise the risk of developing essential high bp.

Secondary High BP: Only 6-10% of individuals suffer from this kind of high blood pressure. This is usually seen in reaction to an underlying cause, like thyroid disease, kidney failure, obstructive sleep apnea, adrenal disease, etc.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

In Homeopathy, no two patients may be given the same medicine. Choosing the best Homeopathic medicine for the high blood pressure may require individualization of the patient. This individualization is done on the basis of the case history and specific symptoms like: 

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Chest pain
  • Breathlessness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Anxiety
  • Heart failure
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Kidney failure
  • Buzzing in the ear

These symptoms shouldn't be ignored, and it requires immediate medical attention. 

Causes of High BP

The following are the causes of high blood pressure:

High Salt Intake: Salt intake has an adverse effect on the normal contractility of the heart muscles, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

Smoking & Alcoholism: Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking directly affect heart health. It can raise blood pressure, and that too, earlier than expected.

Unhealthy Food Habits: Unhealthy food habits, like the intake of high caffeine and carbonated drinks, junk food, etc., can also cause high blood pressure.

Genetics: Genetics is another cause of high bp. One may be more likely to get high bp if it has been in their family history.

Sedentary Lifestyle: An inactive lifestyle lacking optimum physical activity can expose an individual to many lifestyle disorders. High blood pressure is one of them. Individuals with a sedentary life are also susceptible to weight gain, directly & indirectly, causing high BP.

Diabetes: It is one of the most prominent causes of high bp. It is both an exposing factor and a co-morbid condition of high blood pressure. Homeopathy for blood pressure can treat high bp directly and can also be given as a complementary Homeopathic medicine to manage high blood sugar.

Why Choose Excel Pharma for the Best Homeopathic Medicine for High Blood Pressure?

Excel Pharma is one of the top manufacturers and suppliers of human and veterinary Homeopathic medicines. They provide some of the Best Homeopathic medicines for High Blood Pressure, which can be ordered anywhere in India.

At Excel Pharma, one can get both online and face-face-face consultations with their expert homeopathic doctors and order the best Homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure online.

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