1. Legal

How Can I Begin To Understand Legal Marketing?

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Knowing where to begin to get up to speed on legal marketing is challenging. Gone are the days when hanging a shingle and creating a website are enough to keep you viable and relevant in your community or market. Of course, the internet if filled with people offering the promise that their service is what you need to get started.

Truth is, there IS a lot to learn if you want to understand the current world of legal marketing: Even the acronyms can be daunting; ROI, PPC, SEO, CPM, and the likes. Just understanding how Google ranks your firm is a difficult task. But that’s why PILMMA has put together an Up to date Introductory program as part of this year’s SUPER SUMMIT! It’s a Marketing 101 for lawyers program, designed to give any attorney the latest blue print for setting up a legal marketing plan that produces results and that takes the mystery out of legal marketing in 2019.

Legal Marketing

Ken Hardison, PILMMA’s President and Founder, is a real attorney, who grew two 7- figure law firms from the ground up. He has worked one-on-one with lawyers across the country helping them set up and hone winning legal marketing plans. He has also mentored hundreds of lawyers in intensive workshops, masterminds and the likes.

It is against this backdrop that Ken has put together a unique Beginners Day, at this year’s Super Summit. Ken will cut through all the jargon and lay out the basic principles that lawyers NEED to know in order to put together a winning legal marketing strategy, and without spending a fortune in trial and error efforts that produce minimal or abysmal results!

PILMMA’s Super Summit is being held at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans, June 25-28,2019. There’s a seat at the table for you. Stop wondering what you should do to get started making a name for your firm.

Come to this year’s Super Summit and start getting the answers you need and the road map you’ve always wanted for putting together a solid legal marketing plan that takes your firm to the next level. It is possible, and PILMMA can help you do it!

JOIN us and see for yourself that you CAN start competing with the big guns in your market. You CAN have the kind of law firm you’ve always wanted but never thought possible!

PILMMA will give you the KNOWLEDGE and Know-How you need to create winning strategies and tactics that will put your firm on the map.

In fact, we are SO SURE that this year’s Super Summit will help you grow your law firm and give you a better understanding of the world of legal marketing, that we are offering a full money back guarantee: If, after the first day of the Summit, you aren’t glad you came, we will refund your registration fee and give you up to $500 in additional, documented travel expenses. How’s that for putting our money where our mouth is?

It’s time to de-mystify the world of Legal Marketing, and we can help.

To Register for the 2019 PILMMA Super Summit, just go to pilmma.org/supersummit.

PS: we have secured a $250/night room block at the Ritz Carlton for our Summit attendees, but these sought-after rooms will sell out quickly. So, if you are serious about learning the ropes of legal marketing, register TODAY and you will be able to take advantage of these rooms rates while they are still available.

